Chapter 588 - Commercial Fertilizers and Agricultural Minerals

  1. § 588.005 - Definitions
  2. § 588.007 - "Phosphoric acid" interpreted
  3. § 588.010 - Responsibility for tonnage fees and reports
  4. § 588.020 - Tonnage sales reports
  5. § 588.025 - Tonnage fees for offer to sell, sale or distribution of commercial fertilizers or agricultural minerals
  6. § 588.030 - Computation of tonnage fees for liquid fertilizers
  7. § 588.035 - Fee for registration of brand and grade of commercial fertilizer or agricultural mineral
  8. § 588.037 - Fees for registration of seller, distributor or deliverer of restricted-use commercial fertilizer or agricultural mineral
  9. § 588.040 - Agricultural minerals: Tolerances for guaranteed total percentages
  10. § 588.050 - Additional plant nutrients: Claims, registration and guarantees
  11. § 588.060 - Exemption by weight
  12. § 588.065 - Exemption of commercial fertilizers and agricultural minerals not used for agricultural purposes
  13. § 588.070 - Exemption of nitrogen, phosphoric acid and soluble potash in certain uses
  14. § 588.080 - Custom-mixed fertilizers
  15. § 588.090 - Restricted-use commercial fertilizers or agricultural minerals: Classification
  16. § 588.100 - Restricted-use commercial fertilizers or agricultural minerals: Identification of buyer
  17. § 588.110 - Restricted-use commercial fertilizers or agricultural minerals: Availability of record of sale to Director
  18. § 588.120 - Sale or distribution of adulterated commercial fertilizer or agricultural mineral
  19. § 588.130 - Adoption by reference and revision of "Statement of Uniform Interpretation and Policy No. 25
  20. § 588.140 - Adoption by reference of Official Publication No. 68

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.