N.J. Admin. Code § 7:25-2.12 - Target practice
(a) No target practice of any kind is permitted on State Wildlife Management Areas except within designated areas provided by the Division. This shall not preclude the use of shotguns, muzzleloaders, .22 rifles, or bow and arrows for the purpose of authorized hunter education or other authorized purposes in designated areas.
(b) The following regulations apply to all activities on the archery range, shotgun range, muzzleloading rifle and shotgun slugs range, and rifle range:
1. Hours of operation are from 8:00 A.M. to sunset daily.
2. No person shall stand beyond the shooting line while shooters are firing.
3. At least one member of each shooting group shall have a valid New Jersey hunting license in his or her possession.
4. No littering shall be permitted.
5. All spectators shall stand behind all firing positions at the range.
6. All hunter education classes shall have priority use of the range facility.
7. Violation of any of the foregoing restrictions, or of any requirement listed in (c), (d), (e) or (f) below, may result in expulsion from the range, the imposition of fines, or license revocation pursuant to 23:3-22.
(c) In addition to the requirements listed in (b) above, the following requirements shall apply to all training activities on the archery range:
1. No arrows other than field tips or target points shall be used.
2. No broadheads shall be used.
3. All targets used shall be paper, foam or straw. Targets constructed of other materials are prohibited.
4. No damaged or unsafe equipment shall be used. Prior to shooting all shooters shall be sure of their target and beyond.
5. Archers shall shoot only from marked shooting positions and shall shoot only at backstops.
6. No archer shall nock an arrow or draw a bow when any other person is in front of him or her or is down range.
7. When drawing his or her bow, no archer shall raise his or her arrow point higher than the top of the backstop.
8. All shooting shall cease when a cease fire is called.
(d) In addition to the restrictions listed in (b) above, the following requirements shall apply to all training activities on the shotgun range:
1. No weapons other than shotguns and muzzleloading shotguns shall be used at the range.
2. Only fine shot smaller than No. 4 Lead or No. T Steel ammunition shall be used.
3. No slugs or buckshot shall be used.
4. Only clay birds and paper pattern boards shall be used. All other forms of targets are prohibited.
5. The pointing of a firearm loaded or unloaded at anything except a target is prohibited.
6. Muzzles shall always be kept pointed in a safe direction and prior to shooting all shooters shall be sure of their target and beyond.
7. Shooting shall only occur from marked firing positions into marked shotfall areas.
8. All shotgun actions shall be kept open at all times except when on the firing line.
9. All uncased shotguns being carried to or from the firing line shall be unloaded and shall have their actions open.
10. Eye and ear protection equipment shall be used.
11. When any person is down range of the firing line, the handling of shotguns is prohibited. In addition, all shotguns shall be unloaded and shall have their actions opened.
12. No person shall smoke on the firing line when a black powder shotgun is being used.
13. When a cease fire is called, all shooting shall stop and all firearms shall be unloaded and shall have their actions open.
14. A target change may be made by calling a cease fire on the hour and the half hour.
(e) In addition to the requirements listed in (b) above the following requirements shall apply to all activities on the muzzleloading rifle and shotgun slugs range:
1. No weapons other than muzzleloading rifles and shotguns shall be permitted at the range.
2. Only paper type targets are permitted to be used. All other forms of targets are prohibited.
3. All persons using the range shall observe the primary safety rule of treating every gun as if it were loaded.
4. All muzzles shall be kept pointed in a safe direction and prior to shooting all shooters shall be sure of their target and beyond.
5. Eye and ear protection equipment shall be used.
6. All shooting shall occur only from marked firing line positions into the designated backstop area.
7. No muzzle of a loaded firearm shall be raised higher than the top of the backstop.
8. All firearms actions shall be kept open at all times except when the shooter is on the firing line.
9. All uncased firearms being carried to or from the firing line shall be unloaded and shall have their actions opened.
10. When any person is down range of the firing line, all firearms shall be unloaded and shall have their actions opened.
11. When any person is down range, no handling of firearms shall occur, including the adjustment of sights.
12. When a cease fire is called, all shooting shall stop and all firearms shall be unloaded and shall have their actions open.
13. A target change may be made by calling a cease fire on the hour and the half hour.
14. No smoking shall occur on the firing line when a black powder firearm is being used.
(f) In addition to the requirements listed in (b) above, the following requirements shall apply to all activities on the rifle range:
1. No firearms shall be used except modern action rim-fire or center fire rifles and muzzleloading rifles.
2. Shooters may load and fire only one round at a time.
3. Only paper type targets are permitted to be used. All other types of targets are prohibited.
4. The primary safety rule of treating every gun as if it were loaded shall be observed.
5. All shooters shall keep all muzzles pointed in a safe direction and prior to shooting shall be sure of their target and beyond.
6. Eye and ear protection equipment shall be used.
7. No shooting shall occur except from marked firing line positions into the designated backstop area.
8. No muzzle of a loaded firearm shall be raised higher than the top of the backstop.
9. All firearms actions shall be kept open at all times except when the shooter is on the firing line.
10. When any person is down range of the firing line, all firearms shall be unloaded and all firearms actions shall be opened.
11. All uncased firearms being carried to or from the firing line shall be unloaded and shall have their actions opened.
12. When any person is down range, no handling of a firearm, including the adjusting of sights, shall occur.
13. When a cease fire is called, all shooting shall stop and all firearms shall be unloaded and all firearm actions shall be opened.
14. Target changes may be made by calling a cease fire on the hour and on the half hour.
15. No smoking shall occur on the firing line when a black powder firearm is being used.
See: 15 New Jersey Register 840(a), 15 New Jersey Register 1374(c).
Second sentence added.
Amended by R.1995 d.578, effective
See: 27 New Jersey Register 1890(a), 27 New Jersey Register 4283(a).
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
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