Article 3 - Fuel Use Tax

  1. Part 490 - Introduction And Definitions (§ 490.1 to 490.4)
  2. Part 491 - Fuel Use Tax Licenses And Decals (§ 491.1 to 491.8)
  3. Part 492 - Computation of the Fuel Use Tax (§ 492.1)
  4. Part 493 - Repealed
  5. Part 494 - Repealed
  6. Part 495 - Repealed
  7. Part 496 - Repealed
  8. Part 500 - Repealed
  9. Part 501 - Repealed
  10. Part 502 - Repealed
  11. Part 503 - Repealed
  12. Part 504 - Repealed
  13. Part 505 - Repealed

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.