To provide guidelines for employees to
access their personnel records; to provide criteria for the review by other
management personnel; and to prescribe the information that may be contained in
personnel records.
This rule applies to the personnel
records of all employees, including but not limited to faculty, administrative
staff, unclassified hourly employees, classified civil service employees, and
student employees.
Consult rule
3349-7-01 of the Administrative
"Personnel Records" identify the employee, contain
information used to populate the university's human resource database, and to
document the employee's qualifications for employment, promotion, transfer,
additional compensation, or disciplinary action.
Records" refers to any documentation concerning the medical history, diagnosis,
prognosis, or medical condition of an employee created and maintained in the
process of medical treatment.
Property Records" refers to a majority of research based documentation, other
than financial and administrative data, that has not previously been publicly
released, published, or patented.
Personnel records are maintained in the department of human
resources and are available to the employee, or a person specifically
authorized in writing by the employee to review or receive such information;
and, to any management official who has a legitimate, verifiable need to know
specific information about the employee. Telephone requests for information
from outside the university shall be limited to verification of employment
dates and job title.
An employee's personnel record shall contain necessary
job-related and personal information, including but not limited to, identifying
information, such as the employee's name, address, and job title; any
employment applications, position descriptions, compensation records,
information pertaining to benefit enrollment, disciplinary records, attendance
records, confidentiality agreement, performance appraisals, university
sponsored employee certificates, acknowledgements of university rules and
procedures, and any other job-related information. The following documents
shall not be contained in an employee's personnel record: payroll records,
medical records, intellectual property records, and attorney-client privileged
Some items in the employee's personnel record are
subject to disclosure pursuant to a public records request. However, if the
information contained in an employee's personnel file does not serve to
document the activities of the university, the item in a personnel file is not
public record and does not need to be disclosed. Before personnel records are
disclosed pursuant to a public records request, the university's office of the
general counsel shall review the public records request and respond
Each employee shall have only one personnel record.
Personnel records will be retained by the university's department of human
resources for six years from the date of separation. Employees may review their
own personnel records one time per calendar year in the university's department
of human resources at a mutually established time and place.
Replaces: 3349-7-05
Ohio Admin. Code
Promulgated Under:
Authority: 111.15
Amplifies: 111.15
Effective Dates: 10/28/2010