To protect the members of the
university from unnecessary exposure to possible infectious agents that might
be spread by members of the university that travel for business or pleasure to
areas that are included in the center for disease control's (CDC) travel
warning list.
Applies to all members of the
university community including faculty, administrative staff, unclassified
hourly employees, classified civil service employees, students and
Consult rule
3349-7-01 of the Administrative
"Licensed Practitioner" refers to a person who is
licensed to practice medicine, surgery or psychology in the state of
Rule statement
All members of
the university community are required to consult CDC's travelers' health
website at
to educate themselves and others who may be traveling
with them about any disease risks and CDC health recommendations for
international and domestic travel to areas that are identified by the CDC as
having serious infectious disease outbreaks in the areas they plan to visit or
they may consult their local health department for guidance.
Before travel,
update all routine vaccinations (i.e., tetanus/diphtheria, polio,
measles/mumps/rubella, and seasonal influenza vaccine if it is available), and
see a licensed practitioner to get any additional vaccinations, medications, or
information you may need.
Consult a licensed practitioner to determine what
vaccinations will be needed to provide protection (this will vary depending on
travel destination, personal health and immunization history, and planned
If traveling for business purposes, documentation from
the employee's physician or other qualified healthcare provider must, upon
request, be provided to the university's health and safety administrator. This
documentation must include a statement that the traveler has received the
recommended vaccinations or the traveler may be considered to be acting outside
the course and scope of his/her employment with the university.
traveling under the auspices of the university must receive recommended
vaccinations in order to be eligible to receive academic credit or any
allowable expense reimbursement or payment.
After a member of
the university community returns from international travel or domestic travel
to areas that are identified by the CDC as having serious infectious disease
outbreaks, he/she must consult with the university's health & safety
administrator prior to returning to the workplace, classrooms, laboratories,
clinical placement or attending any university related events. The university's
health and safety administrator will refer to the CDC website to determine if
any precautions should be taken prior return. If the university has concerns
about the possibility of infectious diseases based on the location of travel or
the activities performed during the trip, the university can require the
individual to submit to an examination by a physician or other healthcare
provider prior to returning to the university setting, clinical placements, or
university events. Prior to returning, a licensed practitioner should document
that the person does not pose a risk of serious infection. Such documentation
will be placed in the individual's medical file at the university.
Replaces: 3349-7-155
Ohio Admin. Code
Promulgated Under:
Authority: 111.15
Amplifies: 111.15
Effective Dates: 10/28/2010