(1) General information
(a) Educational benefits are available to
full-time employees who normally work a minimum of forty hours per week on a
regularly scheduled basis and who have an expectation of a minimum of nine
months of continuous employment each year. Employees are eligible for payment
of instructional fees for themselves or their dependents in the first
enrollment period after having been continuously employed by the university for
a period of six months.
(b) The
university will pay for instructional fees at one of the partner universities
for employees or their dependents who are pursuing a degree in an identified
field of study.
(c) All employees
seeking to utilize educational benefits for themselves or their dependent must
submit an itemized invoice for all tuition expenses and disclose any
scholarships received, public or private, from any entity, including but not
limited to the state foundations, civic groups, agencies, religious entities,
educational institutions or labor unions.
(d) Employees are required to apply for,
accept and disclose any institutional scholarships award. Failure to do so may
result in disqualification from receipt of future educational
(e) Educational benefits
will not be decreased when other sources of financial aid are eligible to be
used for expenses other than instructional fees (i.e. general fees, other fees,
room and board). If other forms of financial assistance such as scholarships,
apply to instructional fees only, education benefits from university will be
decreased accordingly.
Educational benefits cannot be transferred to any non-partner university nor
received in any manner other than what is set forth in this rule.
(g) All other fees, including but not limited
to, general, overload, admission, matriculation, parking, bus, dissertation,
graduation and special course fees are the responsibility of the employee.
Books, room and board and all other educational expenses are the responsibility
of the employee.
Non-resident/out-of-state surcharges are the responsibility of the employee. It
is the responsibility of the employee to contact the partner university the
student is attending to establish permanent residency.
(i) The university will reimburse employees
for fees paid to receive course credit by examination through the college level
examination program CLEP, or other authorized examinations for course work for
which the university otherwise would have been charged.
(j) Educational benefits will not be paid for
continuing education or other non-credit or non-degree courses under this rule.
Job-related, non-credit courses may be paid for separately by the employee's
(k) Accelerated
programs will be reimbursed at the normal program rate; (i.e. an executive master's degree program will
be reimbursed at the standard program rate for the university).
(l) No educational benefits will be paid for
courses taken by anyone holding a graduate degree or terminal degree.
(m) Employees who have been laid off, resign,
or are otherwise terminated from employment at the university are not eligible
for educational benefits and may be required to repay the educational benefit
at the point of separation based on the mutual decision of the director of
human resources and the employee's department head.
(n) Instructional fees are paid for employees
and dependents for any fall or spring enrollment sessions. Instructional fees
for summer enrollment sessions are payable for employees only.
(o) In some instances, the receipt of
educational benefits under this rule may have tax implications to the
Educational benefits for employees
Educational benefits are limited to payment of instructional fees for up to six
credit hours per semester for either undergraduate or graduate
(b) Undergraduate
educational benefits
Educational benefits are limited to the hours required by the
attending university for one baccalaureate degree or a maximum of one hundred
fifty hours, whichever is less.
(c) Graduate benefits
(i) Educational benefits are limited to fifty
per cent of the instructional fees for one graduate degree program that is not
job related.
(ii) Educational
benefits for job related graduate course work which is approved by the
immediate supervisor, department head, and the director of human resources will
be paid at one hundred per cent of the instructional fee.
(d) Class attendance during normal working
In exceptional circumstances, an employee may be permitted to
take one course per semester during normal working hours, provided that
satisfactory arrangements to cover the time lost from the normal forty hour
week (for both class time and travel) have been authorized by the immediate
supervisor, department head, and the director of human resources.
(4) Benefits for
dependent children of deceased employees
Dependent children of employees who were actively employed on
or before June 30, 2018 and died after having at least ten years continuous
service to the university prior to their death, are eligible to receive
educational benefits as set forth herein. Dependent children of employees hired
July 1, 2018 or after are not eligible for educational benefits after the
employee's death.
Undergraduate educational benefits
Educational benefits for each dependent child are limited to payment of
instructional fees for part-time or full-time study up to a maximum cost of the
amount charged for a normal full-time course load, as established by the
respective partner university.
This educational benefit is limited to the number of hours required by the
respective partner university for one baccalaureate degree or a maximum of one
hundred fifty hours, whichever is less.
(c) Graduate educational benefits
Educational benefits are limited to fifty per cent of the
instructional fees for one graduate degree per dependent child.
(5) Program
(a) Eligibility
The director of human resources will administer this program
and be responsible for determining eligibility, in accordance with the rule.
The department of human resources may monitor eligibility and may request proof
of eligibility at any time. Decisions made by the director of human resources
regarding eligibility may be appealed to the employee's supervisor. If the
employee's supervisor determines that the eligibility decision presents an
issue of inequity or fundamental unfairness, the supervisor will forward the
appeal to the chief of staff and vice president for operations and finance for
a final determination on eligibility.
(b) Grade reports
(i) At the end of each term, the employee
must provide the department of human resources with the appropriate grade
reports for the semester within fourteen calendar days of grade release for
that class.
(ii) If grade reports
are not received within the specified time frame, the employee may be denied
educational benefits for the subsequent semester. The employee will be required
to seek a subsequent semester of enrollment. The ongoing failure to timely
submit grade reports may result in the denials of educational benefits in
(c) Reimbursement
and payroll deductions
(i) Employees who
voluntarily or involuntarily separate from the university within one year of
degree completion are required to reimburse the university one hundred per cent
of any educational benefits paid on the employee's behalf (to include any
educational benefit payments for dependent children) within the most recent
twelve month period prior to the date of separation. Reimbursement is not
required for any employee who is laid off by the university.
(ii) Employees are required to reimburse the
university for any instructional fees for any course in which a grade of "D" or
a grade of "F" (or equivalent) has been recorded or if no grade report was
submitted to the
department of human resources.
The first semester of the first year of undergraduate education
is subject to "freshman forgiveness", that is, grades of "D" earned during the
first semester of the first year of undergraduate education are exempt from the
requirement set forth in paragraph (D)(6)(c)(iii) of this rule. Freshman
forgiveness does not extend to the grade of "F."
(iii) Employees are required to reimburse the
university for any grade of "incomplete" that is not cleared from the
transcript within the year. No further educational benefits will be approved
until the employee has reimbursed the university for the instruction fees for
the credit hours of the course in which the "incomplete" grade was received. A
grade of "in-progress" for research hours is not considered an
(iv) The university
will not pay for any course that is being repeated.
(d) It is the responsibility of the employee
to inform the department of human resources of any dropped courses. If an
employee or dependent child drops a course after the full refund date, the
employee is responsible to reimburse the university for the amount not refunded
to the university by the partner university.
(e) Failure to pay any amount owed in full to
the university within thirty days of an employee's receipt of an invoice from
the university will result in automatic payroll deduction as individually
established with accounting. For amounts owed that are less than one thousand
two hundred dollars, employees will have a maximum of six months to reimburse
the university. For amounts in excess of one thousand two hundred dollars,
employees will have a maximum of twelve months to reimburse the
(f) If an employee owes
the university any outstanding balance of two hundred fifty dollars or more at
the time an application for instructional fees is submitted, the university
will not prepay instructional fees for that semester. In such cases, an
employee shall be required to pay all instructional fees for that semester at
the time of registration. An employee will receive reimbursement of such
instructional fees minus any outstanding balance upon submitting passing grades
and a paid invoice to the university at the conclusion of that semester. Once
the employee's outstanding balance above two hundred fifty dollars has been
paid, the university will resume prepaying instructional fees as provided
(g) Upon separation from
university, the
university shall automatically deduct any balance owed to
university from an employee's last paycheck, before issuing such paycheck.
(i) The employee has thirty days from the
date of separation to pay in full any balance remaining to avoid automatic
deduction from their last paycheck.
(ii) Any remaining balance owed to the
university may be submitted for collection to a collection agency.