Ohio Admin. Code 3349-7-56 - Consultation and service activities for full-time faculty and administrative staff

(A) Purpose

To establish a rule to govern the uncompensated and compensated consultation and service activities both during and outside of normal working hours.

(B) Scope
(1) This rule applies only to full-time faculty and administrative staff of the university. This rule does not apply to unclassified hourly employees, classified civil service employees or student employees.
(2) Compensated and uncompensated consultative and service activities undertaken outside normal working hours are not governed by this rule unless they interfere with the primary obligations of the faculty or administrative staff to the university.
(C) Definitions
(1) "Administrative Staff" refers to full-time, exempt employees of the university.
(2) "Compensation" refers to direct or indirect receipt of money or its equivalent for services rendered.
(3) "Consultative Activities" the professional practice of providing expert advice in a particular field.
(4) "Direct Administrative Supervisor" refers to the person to whom the faculty or administrative staff member reports to within the organization. In the case of faculty, the direct administrative supervisor is usually the department chair.
(5) "Double Dipping" is the unethical practice of working for wages while simultaneously receiving additional compensation from the same source that is the state of Ohio.
(6) "Faculty" refers to full time persons appointed to that status by the university board of trustees and who are paid directly by the university.
(7) "Normal Working Hours" refers to those established by the department, college or university.
(8) "Service Activities" refers to professional or expert assistance in a particular field.
(D) Body of the rule
(1) Faculty and administrative staff, with the approval of the direct administrative supervisor, may engage in consultative and service activities during normal working hours, for up to twenty per cent of a regular work week. Approval is within the discretion of the direct administrative supervisor.
(2) Uncompensated consultative and service activities during normal working hours.

Faculty and administrative staff who engage in uncompensated consultative and service activities during normal working hours must have the prior approval of their direct administrative supervisor.

(a) Any such activity which will require the absence of a faculty or administrative staff member from the primary work site during normal working hours for a period in excess of three consecutive working days requires the prior written approval of the direct administrative supervisor.
(b) Written activity reports documenting the amount of time devoted to such activities may be required by the direct administrative supervisor.
(3) Compensated consultative and services activities during normal working hours.
(a) The faculty or administrative staff member must submit a statement of the activity to be undertaken, how much time will be devoted to the activity, how the faculty or administrative staff member's job responsibilities will be covered during any period of absence from the university.
(b) Compensated consultative and service activities performed for another state of Ohio funded entity must be conducted outside normal working hours, on vacation time or during periods of leaves of absence without pay to avoid double dipping. Such activity requires the prior approval of the direct administrative supervisor.

Written activity reports documenting the amount of time devoted and the dates of leave taken must be submitted annually to the direct administrative supervisor as appropriate.

(c) Activity performed for a non-state of Ohio funded entity which will require the absence of a faculty or administrative staff member from the primary work site during normal working hours for a period in excess of three consecutive working days requires the prior written approval of the direct administrative supervisor.

Written activity reports must be submitted annually to the direct administrative supervisor documenting the amount of time devoted to the activity and the dates that the person was absent from the campus.


Ohio Admin. Code 3349-7-56
Effective: 8/22/2016
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 111.15
Rule Amplifies: 111.15
Prior Effective Dates: 2/2/2015

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.