Ohio Admin. Code 3364-45-04 - Placement and display of banners, posters and signs

(A) Policy statement

Posters, banners, signs or other printed material may only be placed in designated locations after receiving official approval.

(B) Purpose of policy

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the display of posters, banners, and signage are approved and properly communicate and disseminate necessary information; ensure a safe environment; and maintain an aesthetically pleasing environment. This policy has also been developed to ensure and maintain the integrity of the university of Toledo ("UT") brand.

(C) Procedure

Posters, banners, signs or other printed material may only be placed in designated locations after receiving approval as follows.

(1) Posters may be placed only on approved bulletin boards. All posters shall clearly identify the organization or department placing the poster.

Posters placed by student organizations shall be approved in advanced by the student activities unit of the dean of students' office. Posters of a university department or other unit shall be approved by the head of the unit.

Student election campaign posters may be displayed on stakes in outside areas in accordance with the rules of student government. All other student election campaign posters must be in accordance with other provisions of this chapter.

(2) Banners may be hung or attached in the student union and the student center only in locations specified by the director of student unions, or in savage hall and the glass bowl in located specified by the director of facilities management and in the university of Toledo medical center ("UTMC") by medical center and clinical administration.
(3) No interior or exterior signs shall be placed or maintained unless approved by the associate vice president for facilities and construction.
(4) No private business concern or individual may post or distribute any material advertising a particular product or service except when the effort is in support of university programs and is specifically authorized by the division of external affairs.
(D) Definitions
(1) "Poster" means any writing, notice, pictorial presentation, or similar item intended to convey a message of a temporary nature.
(2) "Banner" shall mean any display larger than a poster on flexible material.
(3) "Sign" means any display of a permanent and written or pictorial nature intended to convey a message.


Ohio Admin. Code 3364-45-04
Effective: 4/20/2020
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3364
Rule Amplifies: 3364

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.