Ohio Admin. Code 3701-33-10 - Electricity and lighting

(A) To comply with minimum standards of habitability:
(1) All housing sites units shall be provided with electric service.
(2) All common use rooms and areas such as including, but not limited to, laundry rooms, toilets, privies, hallways, and stairways, etc., in existence in the camp on April 2, 1985, shall contain a ceiling or wall-type light fixture that will adequately light the area. At least two separate wall-type electric convenience electrical outlets, or one such convenience electrical outlet and one supplied ceiling-type electric light fixture, shall be provided in each habitable room in existence in the camp on April 2, 1985.
(3) All habitable rooms created as a result of new construction or addition to or substantially altered in the camp after April 2, 1985, shall be provided with a wall-type convenience electrical outlet so that no point along the floor line in any wall space is more than six feet, measured horizontally, from an outlet in that space, including any wall space two or more feet in width. Each wall space two or more feet wide shall be treated separately from other wall spaces in the room for purposes of this paragraph. Each habitable room shall contain at least one ceiling or wall-type light fixture.
(4) A minimum of three-tenths-foot candle of artificial lighting shall be provided for the yard area and pathways to common use facilities.
(5) All wiring and lighting fixtures shall be installed and maintained in a safe condition. It shall be the responsibility of the agricultural labor camp operator to provide written verification from a licensed contractor assure that any newly installed or repaired electrical work is safe. through a letter from a certified electrical inspector or an electrical contractor other than the installer.
(6) All electrical systems created as a result of new construction or substantially altering a camp after April 2, 1985 shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the "national electrical code" or local electrical codes for one, two, or three family dwelling units.
(B) To comply with voluntary standards of habitability:

All existing electrical systems in the camp on April 2, 1985, shall be maintained in accordance with the "national electrical code" or local codes. The agricultural labor camp operator shall present acceptable evidence that the existing electrical system is in compliance with applicable provisions of the "national electrical code" or local codes for one, two, or three family dwelling units.

(1) All existing electrical systems in existence in the camp on April 2, 1985, shall be maintained in accordance with the "National Electrical Code" or local codes. The agricultural labor camp operator shall present acceptable evidence that the existing electrical system is in compliance with applicable provisions of the "National Electrical Code" or local codes for one-, two-, and/or three-family dwelling units.

(2) All electrical systems created as a result of new construction, addition to an existing camp or upgrading after April 2, 1985 shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the "National Electrical Code" or local electrical codes for one-, two-, and/or three-family dwelling units.


Ohio Admin. Code 3701-33-10
Effective: 1/1/2017
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 06/06/2016 and 01/01/2022
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3733.42
Rule Amplifies: 3733.42
Prior Effective Dates: 4/2/1985, 9/6/98

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.