Ohio Admin. Code 3701-7-12 - Maternity home safety standards
All persons whose
work or service responsibilities involve continuing activities in the maternity
home shall have a health evaluation by a licensed physician or other licensed
health professional operating within their scope of practice, which shall
include establishing the absence of conditions transmissible to others, prior
to their having access to the home.
The maternity
home shall designate a person as administrator to be responsible for day to day
operations of the home, ensuring that resident needs are met at all times and
for assuring compliance with Chapter 3711. of the Revised Code and Chapter
3701-7 of the Administrative Code.
Each maternity
home that operates a nursery, shall retain a physician qualified in pediatrics
to direct the care of the infants including the initiation and maintenance of
policies and procedures necessary for this care.
The maternity
home shall retain the services of a registered nurse to direct the nursing
activities, including the initiation and maintenance of policies and procedures
dealing with nursing care.
A nurse shall be
on duty at all times when the nursery is occupied in a maternity home that
operates a nursery.
The maternity home shall establish and follow written
infection control policies and procedures for the surveillance, control,
prevention, and reporting of communicable disease organisms by both the contact
and airborne routes which shall be consistent with current infection control
guidelines issued by the United States centers for disease control and
prevention. The policies and procedures shall address:
The utilization
of protective clothing and equipment;
The storage,
maintenance and distribution of sterile supplies and equipment;
The disposal of
biological waste, including blood, body tissue, and fluid in accordance with
Ohio law;
Universal precautions body substance isolation or
equivalent; and
Tuberculosis and other airborne
The maternity home shall not knowingly permit a staff
member or volunteer to provide services if the individual has a communicable
disease capable of being transmitted during the performance of his or her
A maternity home shall document any complications and
adverse events impacting the health, safety, or well being of any
resident .
The maternity home shall comply with the disease
reporting requirements set forth in Chapter 3701-3 of the Administrative
Maternity home facilities and equipment shall include
at least the following:
Equipment, lighting, and means of regulating indoor
temperature and indoor air quality to provide a safe and comfortable living
environment and working conditions in the maternity home ;
facilities for the delivery of housekeeping and other supportive
Handrails in all stairwells, and grab bars in bathrooms
and showers;
Secure office space for maintenance, preparation, and
storage of resident medical records and medications;
Separate toilet
facilities for personnel;
A dining area;
Adequate storage
A means for the sanitary disposal of waste and soiled
A relaxation area not readily accessible to the casual
Private office space for resident
consultation ;
Laundry facilities for residents;
At least one
separate, private room for the examination and treatment of
Equipment and supplies necessary for routine and
emergency care of residents;
bedrooms, with no more than four beds in each room; and
For every three
residents, one bathroom that is accessible from a hallway.
maternity home shall:
Have the ancillary and support staff necessary for the
provision of the maternity home 's services; and
Ensure all staff
members provide services in accordance with applicable, current and accepted
standards of practice and the clinical capabilities of the maternity
home .
Prior to admission, the maternity home shall provide
the following in writing to the prospective resident or the prospective
resident 's representative:
An itemized list of fees for all services provided by
the home;
A list of the services provided at the maternity home ,
including, but not limited to:
Medical services;
Nursing services;
Social services; and
A list of
services available to the resident within the home or outside of the home
within a reasonable proximity, along with instructions on how to obtain such
Each maternity home that offers newborn services shall
maintain a newborn nursery appropriate to the number of newborns to be cared
for at any one time. Each newborn nursery room shall be equipped with the
A floor area of twenty-four square feet for each newborn station with a minimum
of two feet between newborn stations;
Maternity homes
providing care to newborns requiring close observation shall provide a minimum
floor area of fifty square feet with a minimum of four feet between and at all
sides of newborn stations;
At least one door
capable of being locked that exits to a main corridor; and
At least one sink
capable of hands-free operation.
Replaces: Part of 3701-7-06, Part of 3701-7-07, Part of 3701-7-08, and 3701-7-13
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3711.12
Rule Amplifies: 3711.05, 3711.12
Prior Effective Dates: 7/15/1976, 4/30/2003, 8/1/2008, 3/1/1997, 3/13/2008, 3/24/2003, 5/15/2008, 01/01/2012
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.