Ohio Admin. Code 3796:6-2-10 - Medical marijuana dispensary certificate of operation renewal

(A) Every dispensary certificate of operation issued pursuant to this division shall expire on the date identified on the certificate first day of July of every odd-numbered year regardless of the date on which the certificate of operation was renewed.

(B) A licensed medical marijuana dispensary shall receive written or electronic notice ninety days before the expiration of its certificate of operation.

(C)(B) Every dispensary issued a certificate of operation pursuant to this division shall submit the following to the state board of pharmacy at least forty-five calendar days prior to the date the existing certificate expires:
(1) A completed medical marijuana dispensary renewal application;
(2) A roster that includes all the dispensary's dispensary employees' names and dispensary employee employees' license number numbers; and
(3) Documentation sufficient to establish that the applicant is in compliance with the applicable tax laws of this state;
(3)(4) The applicable fees required fee; and;
(4)(5) Any additional information or documentation required by the state board. of pharmacy in the licensing process.
(C) A renewal application shall be accepted no earlier than ninety days prior to the date the existing certificate expires on a date determined by the board's director of licensing.
(D) If the premises on which the dispensary operates are leased, the renewal application must include an attestation that the premises identified on the application have been leased for the following two-year licensing term and is not subject to any contractual restrictions that would prevent it from operating in compliance with Chapter 3796. of the Revised Code and this division.
(E) A dispensary is only permitted to renew its certificate of operation with the existing ownership and location as originally awarded with the certificate or any subsequent approval by the board. A dispensary that is eligible to apply for a change of ownership pursuant to rule 3796:6-2-12 of the Administrative Code or a relocation pursuant to rule 3796:6-2-13 of the Administrative Code must request such changes separate from the renewal application.
(E)(F) If the dispensary is operated in compliance with Chapter 3796. of the Revised Code and this division, and the renewal fee is paid, the state board of pharmacy shall renew the certificate of operation within forty-five days after the renewal application is received , to be effective on the expiration date of the previous certificate of operation. Upon receipt of a renewal application, the state board of pharmacy shall consider:
(1) The dispensary's history of compliance with regulations promulgated under this division of the Administrative Code;
(2) The number and severity of any violations;
(3) The correction of violations, penalties, or other enforcement actions; and
(4) Any additional criteria deemed necessary by the state board of pharmacy.
(F)(G) The state board of pharmacy may deny a dispensary certificate of operation renewal application due to:
(1) Failure to pay the renewal fee;
(2) Poor compliance history;
(3) Criminal violations with a nexus to the dispensary's operation;
(4) Discipline issued for violations of Chapter 3796. of the Revised Code or this division; or
(5) Any additional criteria deemed applicable by the state board of pharmacy.
(1) A dispensary certificate of operation renewal application that is filed less than forty-five days prior to the expiration date of the dispensary's certificate will only be considered complete with the payment of the required late fee, in addition to the required application fee.
(2) The state board of pharmacy shall renew a dispensary's certificate of operation that files a renewal application less than forty-five days prior to the expiration date of the dispensary's certificate, subject to paragraph (F) of this rule, within thirty calendar days after the expiration date of the certificate.
(3) A dispensary certificate of operation that is not renewed by the expiration date shall be considered lapsed.
(4) A dispensary shall not purchase, receive, sell, or dispense any medical marijuana while the certificate of operation is lapsed.

(G) If a dispensary certificate of operation renewal application is not filed prior to the expiration date of the dispensary's certificate, the certificate shall be suspended for a maximum of thirty days. A dispensary shall not purchase, receive, sell, or dispense any medical marijuana while under a suspended certificate of operation. After thirty days, the certificate will be deemed expired if the dispensary has not successfully renewed the certificate of operation, including the payment of all applicable fees and the state board of pharmacy shall not renew the certificate of operation.

(H)(I) A dispensary shall not purchase, receive, possess, sell, or dispense any medical marijuana without a valid, unexpired certificate of operation issued by the state board of pharmacy. Such activity is unlicensed and may subject the dispensary to discipline under this division.
(1) If a dispensary certificate of operation renewal application is not filed prior to the expiration date of the dispensary's certificate, the certificate of operation will be deemed expired.
(2) A dispensary shall not purchase, receive, possess, sell, or dispense any medical marijuana with an expired certificate of operation.
(3) A dispensary that allowed its certificate of operation to expire and wishes to resume operations as a licensed dispensary under Chapter 3796. of the Revised Code and this division shall apply for a license in accordance with rules 3796:6-2-01 and 3796:6-2-02 of the Administrative Code.

(I) If a renewal application and all applicable fees are submitted to the board after a suspension period pursuant to paragraph (G) of this rule, the board shall not renew such certificate. A dispensary that allowed its license to lapse and wishes to again operate as a licensed dispensary under Chapter 3796. of the Revised Code and this division shall apply for a license in accordance with rules 3796:6-2-01 and 3796:6-2-02 of the Administrative Code.


Ohio Admin. Code 3796:6-2-10
Effective: 2/14/2022
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 2/2/2021 and 02/14/2027
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3796.04
Rule Amplifies: 3796.02, 3796.04, 3796.10
Prior Effective Dates: 09/08/2017

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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