Ohio Admin. Code 4753-3-05 - Student clinical experience requirements for applicants in audiology applying for licensure with at least a master's degree or equivalent obtained prior to January 1, 2006 and for speech-language pathologists
(A) Definitions
(1) For purposes of division (C) of section
4753.06 of the Revised Code,
supervised clinical experience of a student or intern means those clock hours
of clinical experience obtained in direct contact with persons served through a
college or university accredited by a regional or national accrediting
organization recognized by the board, in a cooperating program of said college
or university, or in anther program approved by the board.
(2) "Clock hour" means a time increment of
sixty minutes.
(3) "Evaluation"
means screening, assessment and diagnosis of hearing disorders and language and
speech disorders (articulation, fluency, voice and dysphagia) occurring before
initiation of a treatment program.
(a) Clock
hours devoted to counseling associated with the evaluation/diagnostic process
may be counted.
(b) Clock hours
spent in formal reevaluation may be applied to this category.
(c) Periodic assessments during treatment may
not be considered as evaluation but may be applied to the treatment
(d) The majority of the
evaluation hours in each category must be in areas other than screening
"Treatment for language and speech disorders" (articulation, fluency, voice,
and dysphagia) means clinical management, including direct and indirect
services, progress in monitoring activities, and counseling. Clock hours
devoted to counseling associated with the treatment process may be counted in
this category.
(5) "Treatment for
hearing disorders" means clinical management and counseling, including auditory
training, speech-reading, and speech and language services for those with
hearing impairment.
(6) "Direct
supervision" means that the supervisor provides guidance and direction to the
student based upon on site observation of the student while in the same room or
through an observation window or observation by video simulcast or
closed-circuit television.
"Indirect supervision" means that the supervisor providing guidance and
direction to the student is on site during the majority of the student clinical
(B) To meet
requirements for licensure, the student clinical experience must meet the
current accreditation standards of the "American Speech-Language-Hearing
Association" or the "American Board of Audiology." Applicants who have received
their graduate degree from a college or university not accredited by the
"American Speech-Language-Hearing Association" or the "American Board of
Audiology" must meet all of the following criteria:
(1) The documentation establishes that the
applicant obtained four hundred hours of supervised clinical practicum, of
which twenty-five clock hours shall be clinical observation and three hundred
seventy-five clock hours shall be clinical practicum. Three hundred twenty-five
of the four hundred clock hours shall be at the graduate level in the area in
which licensure is sought.
(2) The
documentation establishes that the following minimum requirements are met in
the applicable area:
(a) In the area of
speech-language pathology:
(i) Twenty clock
hours shall be in each of the following eight categories: evaluation of speech
disorders in children; evaluation of speech disorders in adults; evaluation of
language disorders in children; evaluation of language disorders in adults;
treatment of speech disorders in children; treatment of speech disorders in
adults; treatment of language disorders in children; and treatment of language
disorders in adults;
(ii) Twenty
clock hours shall be in audiology and may include evaluation/screening and/or
Fifty clock hours shall be in each of three types of clinical
(b) In the
area of audiology:
(i) At least fifty clock
hours shall be in each of three types of clinical settings. The student must
have experience in the evaluation and treatment of children and adults and with
a variety of types and severity of disorders of hearing, speech, and language,
and with the selection and use of amplification and assistive
(ii) At least eighty clock
hours shall be in each of the following categories, with a minimum of ten hours
in each category: selection and use of amplification and assistive devices for
children, and selection and use of amplification and assistive devices for
(iii) At least twenty clock
hours shall be in the treatment of hearing disorders in children and
(iv) Twenty clock hours
shall be in speech-language pathology unrelated to hearing impairment and may
include evaluation/screening and/or treatment.
(3) The documentation establishes that the
supervision of the experience was in compliance with all of the supervision
criteria set forth in paragraph (C) of this rule.
(C) Student clinical experience supervision
(1) The documentation establishes that the
student clinical experience supervision was a combination of direct and
indirect supervision, as follows:
(a) At least
ninety-five clock hours shall be directly supervised.
(b) Two hundred eighty clock hours shall be
at least indirectly supervised.
(2) Supervisor observation of student
clinical experience clock hours took place on site or by closed-circuit
television. It is recommended that evaluation of student performance include
activities such as conferences, audio and video recordings, written
evaluations, rating instruments, and inspection of lesson plans and written
(a) The supervisor must directly
observe at least twenty-five percent of the student's contact time with each
person served.
(b) The supervisor
must directly observe at least fifty percent of the student's time in each
diagnostic evaluation, including screening and identification.
(D) Verification of
student clinical experience shall be submitted directly from the college or
university on forms prescribed by the board.
(1) The verification must bear the
notarized signature of the department head
or applicant's clinical supervisor. The board may at its discretion require
additional verification of student clinical experience.
(2) It is the applicant's responsibility to
ensure that the college or university is authorized to send student clinical
experience records.
The student clinical experience requirements set forth in paragraphs (B) and
(C) of this rule shall be deemed to be met when the applicant presents proof
that he/she was awarded a master's degree or higher in the area in which
licensure is sought from a college or university program in speech-language
pathology and/or audiology accredited by a regional or national specialized
accrediting organization in speech-language pathology or audiology recognized
by the "United States Department of Education" and "Council for Higher
Education Accreditation," One Dupont Circle Northwest, Suite 50, Washington,
D.C. 20036-1135, or its predecessors or successors, at the time the master's
degree was awarded.
(F) The student
clinical experience requirements set forth in paragraphs (B) and (C) of this
rule shall be deemed to be met when the applicant holds current certification
in audiology that is in good standing and received from the "American Board of
Audiology" and both of the following criteria are met:
(1) Verification of certification is received
from the "American Board of Audiology."
(2) The student clinical experience and
professional experience upon which certification was granted, if completed in
Ohio, were done in conformance with Ohio law and rules.
(G) The student clinical experience
requirements sets forth in paragraphs (B) and (C) of this rule shall be deemed
to be met when the applicant holds a current certificate of clinical competence
in the area in which licensure is sought that is in good standing and received
from the "American Speech-Language-Hearing Association" and both of the
following criteria are met:
(1) Verification
of certification is received from the "American Speech-Language-Hearing
(2) The student
clinical experience and professional experience upon which certification was
granted, if completed in Ohio, were done in conformance with Ohio law and
(H) Academic
credit for student clinical experience may not be used to satisfy specific
course work minimum requirements. A maximum of six semester clock hours for
student clinical experience may be applied to the thirty-six semester clock
hours of professional course work.
(I) Students shall not receive reimbursement
or compensation for services provided during the student clinical experience,
unless the board finds that extraordinary circumstances render reimbursement or
compensation appropriate.
Student clinical experience must have been under the supervision of a person
who meets one of the following criteria:
Student clinical experience obtained in the state of Ohio shall have been under
the supervision of a person who during the entire student clinical experience
was licensed under Chapter 4753. of the Revised Code in the area in which the
applicant seeks licensure.
Student clinical experience obtained outside of Ohio shall have been under the
supervision of a person who during the entire student clinical experience was
licensed in the area in which the applicant seeks licensure in the state in
which the student clinical experience was performed.
(3) Student clinical experience obtained in a
state that does not have licensure shall have been under the supervision of a
person who during the entire student clinical experience was certified by the
"American Speech-Language-Hearing Association" or the "American Board of
Audiology," in the area in which the applicant seeks licensure.
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4753.05
Rule Amplifies: 4753.06
Prior Effective Dates: 11/16/1992 (Emer.), 02/09/1993, 09/10/1994, 01/19/1996 (Emer.), 07/24/2000, 06/26/2003, 04/24/2006, 12/01/2011
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
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