Chapter 1501:3-2 - Rules for Visitation
- § 1501:3-2-01 - Hours closed
- § 1501:3-2-02 - Exception to hours closed
- § 1501:3-2-03 - Swimming prohibited
- § 1501:3-2-04 - Disposition of refuse or debris
- § 1501:3-2-05 - Removal or disturbance of state property prohibited
- § 1501:3-2-06 - Exceptions to removal of state property
- § 1501:3-2-08 - Kindling a fire prohibited
- § 1501:3-2-09 - Exception to fire prohibited. [Rescinded]
- § 1501:3-2-10 - Use of fireworks prohibited
- § 1501:3-2-11 - Use or possession of intoxicating beverages
- § 1501:3-2-13 - Permission required for public meetings, events and special activities
- § 1501:3-2-14 - Construction of structures prohibited
- § 1501:3-2-15 - Rock-climbing and rappelling permitted in designated areas only
- § 1501:3-2-16 - Aviation
- § 1501:3-2-17 - Releasing of animals and plants prohibited
- § 1501:3-2-18 - Animals and pets in state forests
- § 1501:3-2-19 - Paleontological, archaeological, historical and geological features
- § 1501:3-2-20 - Metal detectors prohibited
- § 1501:3-2-21 - Paintball, AirSoft activity prohibited
- § 1501:3-2-22 - Unattended cameras; geocaches prohibited
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.