3337 - Ohio University

  1. Chapter 3337-1 - Policies In General (§ 3337-1-01 to 3337-1-44)
  2. Chapter 3337-2 - Policies for Admission, General Academic, Graduate and Undergraduate Studies (§ 3337-2-01 to 3337-2-12)
  3. Chapter 3337-3 - Faculty Governance (§ 3337-3-01 to 3337-3-35)
  4. Chapter 3337-4 - Policies (§ 3337-4-01 to 3337-4-09)
  5. Chapter 3337-5 - Motor Vehicle, Traffic and Parking Regulations (§ 3337-5-01)
  6. Chapter 3337-9 - Identification Card Issuance (§ 3337-9-900)
  7. Chapter 3337-12 - Policy on Awarding Graduate and Undergraduate Posthumous Degrees (§ 3337-12-01 to 3337-12-60)
  8. Chapter 3337-15 - University-Sponsored Educational Materials (§ 3337-15-06)
  9. Chapter 3337-18 - Unassigned (§ 3337-18-01)
  10. Chapter 3337-19 - Policy for Equipment Inventory Control (§ 3337-19-54 to 3337-19-60)
  11. Chapter 3337-20 - Emergency Notification in Case of Student Death or Serious Injury (§ 3337-20-01)
  12. Chapter 3337-21 - (§ 3337-21-01)
  13. Chapter 3337-22 - Unassigned (§ 3337-22-01)
  14. Chapter 3337-23 - Policy on Hazing and Chalking (§ 3337-23-10 to 3337-23-55)
  15. Chapter 3337-24 - Campus Recreation Facilities (§ 3337-24-01 to 3337-24-30)
  16. Chapter 3337-25 - Requirements for Housing Residency (§ 3337-25-30)
  17. Chapter 3337-31 - (§ 3337-31-06)
  18. Chapter 3337-37 - University Assets (§ 3337-37-10 to 3337-37-30)
  19. Chapter 3337-40 - Policies on Discrimination and Benefits (§ 3337-40-01 to 3337-40-125)
  20. Chapter 3337-41 - Compensation (§ 3337-41-01 to 3337-41-135)
  21. Chapter 3337-42 - Policies Mail Service, Decorations and Solicitation (§ 3337-42-01 to 3337-42-550)
  22. Chapter 3337-44 - Policies Critical Incidents, Hazardous Materials, Smoke Free Campus and Alarms (§ 3337-44-50 to 3337-44-120)
  23. Chapter 3337-45 - Policy on Graduate Studies (§ 3337-45-101)
  24. Chapter 3337-47 - Policies on University Vehicles, Food Service and Air Transportation (§ 3337-47-01 to 3337-47-30)
  25. Chapter 3337-48 - Policies on Identity Theft (§ 3337-48-01)
  26. Chapter 3337-50 - Policy on Cashand Pooled Investments (§ 3337-50-01 to 3337-50-02)
  27. Chapter 3337-51 - Policy on Deposits (§ 3337-51-01)
  28. Chapter 3337-52 - Policy on Capital Improvement Plan for Athens and Regional Campuses (§ 3337-52-100)
  29. Chapter 3337-53 - Unassigned (§ 3337-53-01)
  30. Chapter 3337-55 - Policy on Use of University Resources, Printing Procurement and Disposition of Surplus Property (§ 3337-55-02 to 3337-55-75)
  31. Chapter 3337-91 - Policies on University Credentials (§ 3337-91-03 to 3337-91-06)
  32. Chapter 3337-92 - (§ 3337-92-01)
  33. Chapter 3337-93 - Policy on Data Classification and Record Management (§ 3337-93-01 to 3337-93-02)

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.