Chapter 4758-6 - Scope of Practice
- § 4758-6-01 - Scope of practice for chemical dependency counselor assistants (CDCA)
- § 4758-6-02 - [Rescinded] Scope of practice for certified chemical dependency counselors I (CCDC I)
- § 4758-6-03 - Scope of practice for licensed chemical dependency counselors II (LCDC II)
- § 4758-6-04 - Scope of practice for licensed chemical dependency counselors III (LCDC III)
- § 4758-6-05 - Scope of practice for licensed independent chemical dependency counselors (LICDC)
- § 4758-6-06 - Scope of practice for licensed independent chemical dependency counselors-clinical supervisors (LICDC-CS)
- § 4758-6-07 - Scope of practice for registered applicants (RA)
- § 4758-6-08 - Scope of practice for Ohio certified prevention specialist assistant (OCPSA)
- § 4758-6-09 - Scope of practice for Ohio certified prevention specialists (OCPS)
- § 4758-6-10 - Scope of practice for Ohio certified prevention consultant (OCPC)
- § 4758-6-11 - Scope of practice for chemical dependency counselors II (LCDC II) with gambling disorder endorsement
- § 4758-6-12 - Scope of practice for chemical dependency counselors III (LCDC III) with gambling disorder endorsement
- § 4758-6-13 - Scope of practice for independent chemical dependency counselors (LICDC) with gambling disorder endorsement
- § 4758-6-14 - Scope of practice for independent chemical dependency counselors-clinical supervisor (LICDC-CS) with gambling disorder endorsement
- § 4758-6-15 - Clinical supervision of chemical dependency counselor assistants
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.