Okla. Admin. Code § 390:1-1-4 - Objectives of the Council

The objectives of the Council are:

(1) To raise the level of professional competence and integrity of law enforcement by:
(A) Establishing and administering minimum standards for the training and certification of law enforcement officers, to include physical, mental, and moral standards.
(B) Establishing and administering minimum curriculum and instructional standards for law enforcement training at a variety of levels.
(C) Providing these and other services to law enforcement officers as directed by law.
(D) Recommending legislation necessary to upgrade Oklahoma law enforcement to professional status.
(E) Appointing a larger Advisory Council.
(i) The Advisory Council shall be composed of fifteen (15) members who are certified full-time peace officers employed by a campus, city, county, state or federal law enforcement agency. At least two members shall be from law enforcement agencies in each of the four quadrants of the state (Northwest, Southwest, Northeast, and Southeast) as defined by CLEET. One member shall be the training coordinator or designee for Oklahoma City Police Department, one member shall be the training coordinator or designee for Tulsa Police Department, and one member shall be appointed by the Chief of the Highway Patrol.
(ii) Advisory Council members shall serve for a term of three years and may be reappointed for additional terms, unless removed by the Council. A term of service will begin upon a member's official appointment to the Advisory Council.
(iii) An Advisory Council member may be removed and that position declared vacant by the Council for any reason.
(iv) When a vacancy occurs on the Advisory Council, the Advisory Council shall recommend an individual to the Council for the vacant position.
(v) The Advisory Council shall meet as often as is necessary to attend to business but not less than at least one time annually. Any Advisory Council member with more than two (2) absences from either regular or special meetings in a calendar year will be subject to review and possible removal from the Advisory Council by the Council.
(F) Appointing a Drug Dog Advisory Council.
(i) The Drug Dog Advisory Council shall be composed of members as provided in 70 O.S. Section 3311(K) (2).
(ii) Drug Dog Advisory Council members shall serve for a term of three years and may be reappointed for additional terms, unless removed by the Council.
(iii) The Drug Dog Advisory Council shall meet as the business of the Drug Dog Advisory Council demands.
(iv) A Drug Dog Advisory Council member may be removed and that position declared vacant by the Council for any reason.
(v) The Drug Dog Advisory Council shall report research, recommendations and other matters related to minimum standards, educational needs, and other matters imperative to the certification of canines and canine teams trained to detect controlled dangerous substances to the Council for action.
(vi) When a vacancy occurs on the Drug Dog Advisory Council, the Drug Dog Advisory Council shall recommend an individual to the Council for the vacant position.
(vii) Any DDAC member with more than two (2) absences from either regular or special meetings in a calendar year will be subject to review and possible removal from the DDAC by the Council.
(G) Appointing a Bomb Dog Advisory Council
(i) The Bomb Dog Advisory Council shall be composed of members as provided in 70 O.S. Section 3311(L) (2).
(ii) Bomb Dog Advisory Council members shall serve for a term of three years and may be reappointed for additional terms, unless removed by the Council.
(iii) The Bomb Dog Advisory Council shall meet as the business of the Bomb Dog Advisory Council demands.
(iv) A Bomb Dog Advisory Council member may be removed and that position declared vacant by the Council for any reason.
(v) The Bomb Dog Advisory Council shall report research, recommendations and other matters related to minimum standards, educational needs, and other matters imperative to the certification of canines and canine teams trained to detect explosives, explosive materials, explosive devices, and materials which could be used to construct an explosive device to the Council for action.
(vi) When a vacancy occurs on the Bomb Dog Advisory Council, the Bomb Dog Advisory Council shall recommend an individual to the Council for the vacant position.
(vii) Any BDAC member with more than two (2) absences from either regular or special meetings in a calendar year will be subject to review and possible removal from the BDAC by the Council.
(H) Appointing a Curriculum Review Board as provided in 70 O.S., Section 3311(B)(16). The CRB shall meet as often as is expedient to accomplish its obligations but not less than at least one time annually. Any CRB member with more than three (3) absences from either regular or special meetings in a calendar year will be subject to review and possible removal from the CRB by the Council.
(I) Approve New and Reactivated Law Enforcement Agencies and Police Departments as provided in 70 O.S., Section 3311.
(2) To raise the level of professional competence and integrity of the private security industry by:
(A) Establishing and administering minimum standards for the employment of security guards and private investigators, and the establishment of private security and investigative agencies, through a licensing program based on physical, mental, and moral standards.
(B) Establishing and supervising a validated training program for security guards and private investigators.
(C) Enforcing the provisions for the Oklahoma Security Guard and Private Investigator Act (Title 59, Sections 1750.1 et seq.).
(D) Appointing an Advisory Committee comprised of representatives from security guard and investigative agencies.
(i) The Committee shall be comprised of seven (7) representatives from licensed security guard and private investigative agencies as follows: One (1) from each quadrant of the state, one (1) at large, one (1) selected by the American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS) and one (1) selected by the Oklahoma Private Investigators Association (OPIA).
(ii) Committee representatives shall serve for a term of three years and may be reappointed for one additional term unless removed by the Council.
(iii) A Committee representative may be removed and that position declared vacant by the Council for any reason including but not limited to the following:
(I) Failure to be in good standing with their license;
(II) Use of their appointment on the Committee for threats or perceived personal gain; or
(III) Any PSAC member with more than two (2) absences from either regular or special meetings in a calendar year will be subject to review and possible removal from the PSAC by the Council.
(iv) When a vacancy occurs on the Advisory Committee, the Advisory Committee shall recommend an individual to the Council for the vacant position.
(v) Committee representatives shall meet as often as the business of the Committee demands but not less than at least one time annually.
(vi) The Committee shall report research, recommendations and other matters related to licensure of security guards, security agencies, private investigators and private investigative agencies to the Council for final action.


Okla. Admin. Code § 390:1-1-4
Amended at 19 Ok Reg 2667, eff 7-11-02; Amended at 21 Ok Reg 2437, eff 7-1-04; Amended at 25 Ok Reg 2492, eff 7-15-08; Amended at 26 Ok Reg 2556, eff 7-11-09; Amended at 29 Ok Reg 1604, eff 7-13-12
Amended by Oklahoma Register, Volume 31, Issue 24, September 2, 2014, eff. 9/15/2014 Amended by Oklahoma Register, Volume 37, Issue 24, September 1, 2020, eff. 9/11/2020 Amended by Oklahoma Register, Volume 39, Issue 24, September 1, 2022, eff. 9/11/2022

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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