Title 150 - Oklahoma Department of Commerce
- Chapter 1 - General Rules of Practice and Procedure (Subchapter 1 to 27)
- Chapter 10 - Certification of Industrial Parks (§ 150:10-1-1 to 150:10-1-11)
- Chapter 15 - Small Cities Community Development Block Grant Program (Subchapter 1 to 9)
- Chapter 20 - Economic Development Innovation Program [Revoked] (Subchapter 1 to 5)
- Chapter 25 - Minority Business Development Fund (Subchapter 1 to 5)
- Chapter 30 - Office of Federal Assistance Management [Revoked] (Subchapter 1 to 3)
- Chapter 35 - Enterprise Zones (Subchapter 1 to 11)
- Chapter 40 - Multipurpose Senior Centers Grant Program (§ 150:40-1-1 to 150:40-1-8)
- Chapter 45 - State Appropriated Funds-Substate Planning Districts' Program (Subchapter 1 to 5)
- Chapter 50 - Circuit Rider Municipal Management Assistance Program [Revoked] (Subchapter 1 to 9)
- Chapter 55 - Oklahoma Main Street Program (Subchapter 1 to 7)
- Chapter 60 - Women-Owned Business Certification Program (§ 150:60-1-1 to 150:60-1-9)
- Chapter 65 - Oklahoma Quality Jobs Program (Subchapter 1 to 13)
- Chapter 70 - Jobs Development Incentive Program [Revoked] (§ 150:70-1-1 to 150:70-1-7)
- Chapter 75 - Business Incubators Incentive Program (§ 150:75-1-1 to 150:75-1-9)
- Chapter 80 - Oklahoma Energy Program (Subchapter 1 to 5)
- Chapter 85 - Emergency Shelter Grant Program (§ 150:85-1-1 to 150:85-1-14)
- Chapter 90 - Community Services Block Grant Program (Subchapter 1)
- Chapter 95 - Qualified Space Transportation Vehicle Provider [Expired] (§ 150:95-1-1 to 150:95-1-5)
- Chapter 100 - Community Expansion of Nutrition Assistance (§ 150:100-1-1 to 150:100-1-4)
- Chapter 105 - Oklahoma Local Development and Enterprise Zone Incentive Leverage Act (§ 150:105-1-1 to 150:105-1-5)
- Chapter 110 - Oklahoma Specialized Quality Investment Act (§ 150:110-1-1 to 150:110-1-4)
- Chapter 115 - RX for Oklahoma Program (§ 150:115-1-1 to 150:115-1-4)
- Chapter 120 - [Revoked] (Subchapter 1 to 11)
- Chapter 125 - Oklahoma Opportunity Fund [REVOKED] (§ 150:125-1-1 to 150:125-1-5)
- Chapter 130 - Oklahoma Quality Investment Act (§ 150:130-1-1 to 150:130-1-8)
- Chapter 135 - Oklahoma Bioenergy Center Act (§ 150:135-1-1 to 150:135-1-9)
- Chapter 140 - Oklahoma Quick Action Closing Fund (§ 150:140-1-1 to 150:140-1-6)
- Chapter 145 - Oklahoma Economic Development Pooled Finance Act (Subchapter 1 to 4)
- Chapter 150 - The Oklahoma Film and Music Office (Subchapter 1 to 3)
- Chapter 155 - Oklahoma Supplier Diversity Initiative (§ 150:155-1-1 to 150:155-1-8)
- Chapter 160 - Invest in Oklahoma Act (§ 150:160-1-1 to 150:160-1-7)
- Chapter 165 - Oklahoma Tourism Development Act Tax Credit Program (§ 150:165-1-1 to 150:165-1-7)
- Chapter 170 - Oklahoma Strategic Industrial Development Enhancement Tax Credit (§ 150:170-1-1 to 150:170-1-4)
- Chapter 175 - [Effective until 9/14/2024] PREP Infastructure Projects Program (Subchapter 1)
- Chapter 175 - [Effective 9/14/2024] PREP Infrastructure Program Rules (Subchapter 1)
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.