Or. Admin. R. 137-100-0015 - Appointment of Issuer of Releases

The Attorney General hereby appoints the following as the Issuer of Releases for purposes of issuing a release of judgment to an applicant as authorized by ORS 137.452(1)(a)(B):

(1) The primary Issuer of Releases shall be the District Attorney or Deputy District in the county in which the original judgment was entered;
(2) If the District Attorney declines to participate as an Issuer of Releases, the Department of Justice may become that county's issuer of Releases. A District Attorney who declines to participate shall submit in writing to the Department of Justice a request that the Department of Justice handle all Releases for that County. The District Attorney will then provide the applicant with the appropriate forms and refer the applicant to the Department of Justice in Salem.


Or. Admin. R. 137-100-0015
DOJ 6-2001, f. & cert. ef. 8-24-01

Stat. Auth.: ORS 137.452

Stats. Implemented: ORS 137.452

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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