Or. Admin. R. 150-323-0330 - Determining Wholesale Sales Price

(1) In a transaction between parties who are not related or affiliated and who are presumed to have roughly equal bargaining power, the wholesale sales price is the price paid by the purchaser for the untaxed tobacco products.
(2) If a seller and purchaser are related or affiliated or presumed not to have roughly equal bargaining power, the wholesale sales price is determined based upon comparable wholesale distributors' arm's-length wholesale transactions of similar tobacco products sold to retailers that meet the requirements of section (1).


Or. Admin. R. 150-323-0330
REV 5-2008. f. 8-29-08, cert. ef. 8-31-08; Renumbered from 150-323.505(2), REV 73-2016, f. 8-15-16, cert. ef. 9/1/2016

Stat. Auth.: ORS 305.100

Stats. Implemented: ORS 323.505

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.