Or. Admin. R. 330-125-0040 - Incentive Contract

(1) Parties selected to receive an incentive must sign a contract with the Department concerning compliance with RSD Program design, siting, construction, reporting, and monitoring requirements and return the contract to the Department within 30 days of the contract being offered. Failure to sign the contract will void the Department's offer of an incentive. Where an incentive has been reserved for a home buyer, that home buyer will have 30 days from notification by the Department to identify a home builder. That home builder then must sign a contract within 30 days of the Department's offer of a contract.
(2) The home builder contract will provide the method of payment(s) and inspection requirements that must be met before payment(s) is made.
(3) The home builder contract may be made contingent upon the home builder or a potential home buyer obtaining a loan commitment to pay for building the model conservation standards residence.
(4) The home builder signing the contract shall:
(a) Agree to build in Oregon an electrically-heated residence(s) to the model conservation standards;
(b) For residences that are not pre-sold at the time the incentive is approved, agree to request that the home buyer permit and assist in the monitoring of the residence's energy consumption and indoor air quality by the Department or BPA. However, agreement by the home buyer to participate in monitoring is a requirement for a home builder to receive a full incentive for matched-pair residences;
(c) Agree to provide cost-accounting data on the incremental costs of building to the model conservation standards;
(d) Agree to allow the Department, BPA, or their agents to inspect the construction of the residence to ensure compliance with the plans approved by the Department;
(e) Agree to attend and complete the technical and cost-accounting training sessions being provided by the Department and its agents.
(5) Any home buyer who is identified at the time the home builder signs a contract with the Department will be required to enter into a contract with the Department. The home buyer must:
(a) Agree to participate in Departmental or BPA monitoring of energy use and indoor air quality in the residence for at least one year; and
(b) Agree not to require any design or construction changes that will affect the model conservation standard provisions in the residence without prior written approval of the Department.


Or. Admin. R. 330-125-0040
DOE 3-1984, f. & ef. 1-30-84

Stat. Auth.: ORS 469

Stats. Implemented: ORS 469

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.