Or. Admin. R. 414-600-0061 - Coordination with the Early Learning System

(1) To ensure Relief Nursery programs and services are consistent with the Early Learning System created by and described in ORS 417.727 and 417.728, a Relief Nursery receiving state funds shall:
(a) Coordinate and work collaboratively with the Regional Early Learning Hub to ensure that the Relief Nursery's program and services are consistent and aligned with the goals of the Early Learning System;
(b) Collaborate with the Regional Early Learning Hub to align strategies to meet the needs of children and families in focus populations identified by the Hub and Relief Nursery. The strategies must take into account the Relief Nursery's capacity, community priorities, initiatives and opportunities, and available resources; and
(c) Coordinate with the Regional Early Learning Hub, health, human and other early learning programs to plan, develop and implement an early childhood system of supports and services to achieve positive outcomes for focus populations, maximize the effective use of available resources and avoid duplication of services.
(2) For the purposes of this section "Focus Populations" means children or families with a child or children who are at risk of entering foster care due to multiple factors, including but not limited to:
(a) Living in a household that is at or near poverty, as determined under federal poverty guidelines;
(b) Living in inadequate or unsafe housing;
(c) Having inadequate nutrition;
(d) Living in a household where there is significant or documented domestic conflict, disruption or violence;
(e) Having a parent who suffers from mental illness, who engages in substance abuse or who experiences a developmental disability or an intellectual disability;
(f) Living in circumstances under which there is neglectful or abusive care-giving;
(g) Having unmet health care and medical treatment needs; or
(h) Having a racial or ethnic minority status that is historically consistent with disproportionate over-representation in academic achievement gaps or in the systems of child welfare, foster care or juvenile or adult corrections.
(3) OARN shall notify the Department of any changes in leadership, budget or location of any Relief Nursery.


Or. Admin. R. 414-600-0061
ELD 2-2018, adopt filed 02/07/2018, effective 2/7/2018; DELC 120-2023, minor correction filed 11/27/2023, effective 11/27/2023

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 326.425(7)

Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 417.788 & ORS 417.786

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.