Or. Admin. R. 581-020-0520 - Required School District Guidelines for Digital Instruction

Public Providers of online learning using OVSD resources must adopt guidelines in the following areas.

(1) Student/Teacher Ratio. Online learning providers are required to have guidelines in place for reasonable student to instructor ratios that allow for regular, individualized interaction with instructors.
(2) Student Teacher Interaction. Online learning providers are required to have guidelines in place for reasonable student to instructor communication that allow for, individualized interaction with instructors as needed. Communication includes, but is not limited to, electronic mail, online discussion groups, telephone interaction and face to face discussions between teacher and student.
(3) Timeframe for Teacher Response to Student Questions. Online learning providers are required to have guidelines in place for the time and process that teachers will provide prompt response to student inquiries and requests for assistance.
(4) Student Standards. Online learning providers are required to have guidelines in place for student conduct and acceptable use of public school resources in the delivery of online instruction. The administrative implementation is governed by individual school district guidelines.
(5) Type of Courses. Courses offered are governed by individual school district guidelines, including, but not limited to, courses meeting requirements for high school diploma, electives as well as supplementary instruction. An example of supplementary instruction could be Advanced Placement preparation instruction.
(6) Amount of Credit Allowed. The amount of online instruction, and the corresponding credit, provided to a student is under the jurisdiction of the resident school district. Districts must accept transfer grades by accredited institutions.
(7) Student Eligibility for Courses. When applying towards credit the student's resident school district sets the eligibility requirements for district purchased online teaching services. Individual private purchase of courses by an Oregon resident is at the discretion of the parent or guardian and subject to resident school district guidelines for credit towards graduation. Use of Digital Courses and Content are subject to School District guidelines.
(8) Teacher Professional Development. Online Learning Providers are required to have policies for Teacher professional development. Teachers need to have appropriate training for the delivery of online instruction. Providers receiving public support must maintain Oregon teaching licensure for all teachers consistent with TSPC professional development requirements.


Or. Admin. R. 581-020-0520
ODE 14-2006, f. 10-23-06, cert. ef. 10-24-06

Stat. Auth.: ORS 319.840, 326.051

Stats. Implemented: ORS 319.840

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.