Or. Admin. R. 635-500-3030 - Summer Steelhead

Policies and objectives for summer steelhead fish management in the lower Deschutes River Subbasin.

(1) Policies for summer steelhead fish management in the lower Deschutes River Subbasin:
(a) Hatchery reared summer steelhead shall continue to be released in the lower Deschutes River Subbasin;
(b) Angler induced hooking mortality of wild lower Deschutes River summer steelhead shall be reduced or eliminated when estimated escapement levels of 1,000 wild summer steelhead or less over Sherars Falls occur for three consecutive years.
(2) Objectives for summer steelhead fish management in the lower Deschutes River Subbasin:
(a) Maintain an estimated escapement of 6,575 wild adults over Sherars Falls annually;
(b) Provide a recreational fishery based on wild summer steelhead, out-of-Subbasin stray hatchery summer steelhead and lower Deschutes River origin hatchery summer steelhead returns.


Or. Admin. R. 635-500-3030
FWC 47-1996, f. 8-28-96, cert. ef. 9-1-96

Stat. Auth.: ORS 496.138, ORS 496.146 & ORS 506.119

Stats. Implemented: ORS 506.109 & ORS 506.129

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.