Or. Admin. R. 918-305-0440 - Correction of Defects

(1) Defects in electrical installations noted by the electrical inspector shall be corrected and an inspection request made within 20 calendar days of the date of actual notice of deficiency. For the purpose of this rule, actual notice is given when the inspecting jurisdiction does everything required in OAR 918-271-0020.
(2) If corrections cannot reasonably be made within the specified time in section (1) of this rule, or an interpretation or written appeal has been requested, the permit holder shall contact the inspecting jurisdiction and request an extension of time to a specified date or until deficiency is resolved.
(3) Requests for inspection and requests for extension may be communicated in any way. However, if challenged, the burden of proof is on the requester to document the request was in fact communicated. Responses may also be communicated in any way, but if challenged, the burden of proof is on the inspecting jurisdiction.


Or. Admin. R. 918-305-0440
BCD 7-2000, f. 3-15-00, cert. ef. 4-1-00

Stat. Auth.: ORS 479.730

Stats. Implemented: ORS 479.730

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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