Or. Admin. Code § 411-069-0020 - Disclosure of Information
Except as otherwise provided by law, the Department may not publicly divulge or
disclose the amount of income, expense, or other particulars set forth or
disclosed in any report or return required in the administration of the
assessments. Particulars include but are not limited to social security
numbers, employer numbers, or other facility identification numbers, and any
business records required to be submitted to or inspected by the Department or
its designee to allow it to determine the amounts of any assessments,
delinquencies, deficiencies, penalties, or interest payable or paid, or
otherwise administer, enforce, or collect a health care assessment to the
extent that such information shall be exempt from disclosure under ORS
(2) The Department may:
(a) Furnish any facility , or its authorized
representative, upon request of the facility or representative, with a copy of
the facility 's report filed with the Department for any quarter, or with a copy
of any report filed by the facility in connection with the report, or with a
copy with any other information the Department considers necessary;
(b) Publish information or statistics so
classified as to prevent the identification of income or any particulars
contained in any report or return; and
(c) Disclose and give access to an officer or
employee of the Department or its designee, or to the authorized
representatives of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers
for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the Controller General of the United
States, the Oregon Secretary of State, the Oregon Department of Justice, the
Oregon Department of Justice Medicaid Fraud Control Unit, and other employees
of the state or federal government to the extent the Department deems
disclosure or access necessary or appropriate for the performance of official
duties in the Department 's administration, enforcement, or collection of these
Stat. Auth.: ORS 409.050, 410.070, & 411.060
Stats. Implemented: ORS 409.225, 409.230, 410.140, 410.150, 411.300, & 411.320
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.