Or. Admin. Code § 411-069-0150 - Calculation of Long Term Care Facility Assessment

(1) The amount of the assessment is based on the assessment rate determined by the Director multiplied by the number of patient days at the long term care facility for a calendar quarter.
(2) The Director shall establish an annual assessment rate for long term care facilities that applies for each 12-month period beginning July 1. The Director shall establish the assessment rate on or before June 15 preceding the 12-month period for which the rate applies.
(3) On or before October 31, the Department shall refund any overages from the prior fiscal year. For example, by October 31, 2018, the Department shall refund any overages from fiscal year 2017. Overages are defined as any amount of provider assessment that exceeds the federal maximum provider assessment limit in effect for the fiscal year.


Or. Admin. Code § 411-069-0150
OMAP 3-2005, f. & cert. ef. 2-1-05; DMAP 2-2008, f. & cert. ef. 1-25-08; Renumbered from 410-050-0561, SDP 3-2021, f. & cert. ef. 2-1-11; SPD 41-2013(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 10-7-13 thru 4-5-14; APD 7-2014, f. & cert. ef. 4-1-14; APD 17-2018, amend filed 06/28/2018, effective 7/1/2018

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 409.050, 410.070 & 411.060

Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 409.750 & OL 2003 Ch. 736

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.