Or. Admin. Code § 462-140-0130 - Race Meet Licensee
(1) License
Application. Applications for racing dates must be on file with the commission
at Oregon Racing Commission P.O. Box 366 Gresham, OR 97030 or faxed to (971)
673-0213; or emailed to orc.info@oregon.gov when required by the
(2) Race Meet Licensee
Employees. The race meet licensee shall be responsible for ensuring that all
employees are properly licensed and current. The race meet licensee shall
provide the licensing department with a complete list of employees at the start
of each race meet and thereafter shall maintain and provide the licensing
department with any subsequent changes.
(3) Racing Officials. The race meet licensee
shall hire all necessary racing officials and shall submit to the commission
for approval the names of all proposed racing officials and their assistants,
except commission employees, at least 45 days prior to the proposed race meet.
This deadline may be waived by the commission for good cause. Substitutions of
racing officials may be made from time to time as provided in OAR
462-140-0060(10). The race meet licensee shall provide the commission, for
confirmation, timely updates of the list of officials and their assistants when
changes are made. The commission may appoint an employee of the commission to
serve as a racing official for any race meet and may require the race meet
licensee to pay the employee's compensation.
(4) Safe and Clean Facilities. The race meet
licensee shall provide all facilities necessary for the proper conduct of the
race meet and shall take every reasonable precaution to make all areas of the
racecourse safe and shall ensure that the paddocks, starting gate, test barn
and other equipment with which racing animals may come in contact are kept in a
clean condition and free of dangerous surfaces. The race meet licensee shall
keep the grounds of the racecourse in a clean condition.
(5) Commission Offices. The race meet
licensee shall provide adequate office space properly equipped and maintained
for the use of the commission and its designated representatives. Office space
includes, but is not limited to, general offices and stewards' office. Upon
request, the race meet licensee shall furnish suitable space and accommodations
for fingerprinting and photographing license applicants.
(6) First Aid. During racing hours the race
meet licensee shall provide and equip a first aid room within the racecourse
and shall have present on the premises a licensed physician or registered nurse
unless otherwise authorized by the board of stewards.
(7) Equine Ambulance.
(a) The race meet licensee shall provide an
equine ambulance attached to a tractor or vehicle for the immediate removal of
an injured animal from the racecourse. The ambulance shall be available during
racing and training hours and the period preceding the official opening of the
race meet.
(b) The race meet
licensee shall require a licensed veterinarian to be on the grounds during
racing hours for the immediate treatment of an injured animal on the
(c) The race meet
licensee shall have available either a licensed veterinarian on the grounds
and/or a list of available veterinary clinics with emergency contacts and phone
numbers for timely treatment of an injured animal on the racecourse during
training hours.
Every race meet licensee shall operate its own pari-mutuel department, and in
no event shall subcontract or let to concessionaires the operation of the
pari-mutuel department or any part thereof without commission
(9) Totalizator. The race
meet licensee shall maintain a satisfactory totalizator system, including a
tote board.
(10) Post-Race Test
Area. The race meet licensee shall furnish a post-race receiving area approved
by the commission veterinarian, with sufficient facilities to safely collect,
store and secure saliva, urine, and/or blood samples from racing
(11) The race meet
licensee shall provide adequate racing silks, saddlecloths, head numbers, lead
weights, and other standard equipment.
(12) Photofinish; Timing Devices. The race
meet licensee shall provide a sufficient amount of light at the finish line for
nighttime and twilight racing and shall install two automatic timing devices
approved by the commission, and shall provide a photofinish booth meeting
standards set by the commission. (The cost of photofinish services for
pari-mutuel races shall be an expense of the commission)
(13) Tip Sheets. The race meet licensee may
contract with no more than two persons to sell tip sheets on the racecourse
during a race meet. Tip sheets obtained from out-of-state host tracks which are
part of the race meet licensee's simulcast program shall not count against the
limit of two tip sheets. The race meet licensee shall provide booths and
utilities for the tip sheet sellers, and may charge a reasonable fee for their
use. The race meet licensee shall not allow anyone to sell tip sheets who is
not licensed by the commission and shall not allow tip sheets to be sold in
wagering areas. Tip sheets must be sold from a booth, and the previous day's
sheets and outcomes must be displayed on the front of each booth. Tip sheets
must be independently handicapped, and each handicapper must sign and deliver
such sheet at least one hour before post time to the commission office located
on the racecourse.
(14) Security.
The race meet licensee shall provide a sufficient number of security personnel
to provide adequate security for all areas of the racecourse, including parking
lots, test barn, and stable areas, and shall ensure that unlicensed individuals
do not enter restricted areas. The race meet licensee and its security
personnel shall cooperate with local authorities and with commission personnel
in enforcing the rules of racing and the laws of this state, and shall promptly
inform commission stewards of all violations of ORS chapter 462 and the rules
of racing. All security reports and records will be made available in a timely
manner to commission investigators, the board of stewards and/or the executive
(15) Commission Access.
Members, employees, and representatives of the commission shall be given full
and complete access to any and all areas of the racecourse at which a race meet
is being held.
(16) Transmission.
Any person desiring to broadcast, televise or transmit from the track by press
wire pertinent information relating to any feature race run at the track shall
first file with the commission, for its approval, an application stating the
particular feature races and dates that it desires to broadcast, televise or
transmit, together with the name and address of the representative of the
public press, radio, or television authorized to broadcast, televise or
transmit the requested information. Other than at approved off-track wagering
facilities, shall the exact odds be announced, nor shall pay off of winners be
given until the result of the race has been declared "official".
(17) Attendance Report. The race meet
licensee may make a daily attendance report to the commission, unless otherwise
authorized by the commission.
Conflict of Interest. No employee, officer, or director of a race meet licensee
shall be permitted to own, lease, or have any other interest in any racing
animal entered for racing on the race meet licensee's racecourse, unless
approved by the commission.
Waste Disposal. The race meet licensee shall provide, secure and maintain
medical waste containers as approved by the commission or commission
(20) Parking Permits.
When requested by the commission, the race meet licensee shall designate a
parking area for commission members, employees, and special guests who are in
possession of parking permits issued by the commission. Parking in the
designated area shall be free.
Communication System. The race meet licensee shall provide an adequate on
track/outside communication system as required by the commission.
(22) Stalls. The race meet licensee shall
attempt to be fair and equitable in assigning stall space, and shall provide
receiving stalls for horses which are brought onto the racecourse from outside
stable space for a race.
Records of Horse Movements. The race meet licensee shall maintain a record of
arrival and departure of all horses from the stable area.
(24) Numbered Buildings. All stables, barns
and stalls shall be numbered or otherwise clearly identified.
(25) Track Kitchen. The race meet licensee,
or other person approved by the race meet licensee, may maintain and supervise
a kitchen in the stable area and shall supervise any other area where food or
drink is dispensed. All food service facilities shall comply with state and
local health and sanitation requirements.
(26) Distance Pole Markers. Distance pole
markers must be 10 feet from the rail and shall be painted as follows:
(a) 1/4 poles - red and white;
(b) 1/8 poles - green and white;
(c) 1/16 poles - black and white.
(27) Horseman's Accounts. Unless
otherwise authorized by the commission, the race meet licensee shall keep a
separate account, to be known as the "horseman's account", with sufficient
funds to cover all monies due horsemen in regard to purses, stakes, rewards,
claims, and deposits. Only those persons in whose name the account is
established, or their duly authorized agent, may make withdrawals from the
(28) Race Track Safety
Standards. Any racetrack on which a licensed race meet is conducted must meet
the following standards unless otherwise authorized by the commission for good
(a) Rails. All racing surfaces must
have inner and outer rails of a design and construction approved by the
(A) Permanent rails must be made
of a material which will take the impact of a horse without breaking away. All
rail posts must be set in concrete at least 6 inches below the surface and at
least 24 inches deep. The height of the rail must be 40 inches plus or minus 2
inches from the top of the cushion to the top of the rail. The top rail must be
bolted or welded to the posts and should be smooth with no jagged
(B) For race meets or
continuous race meets that are licensed to run 25 days or more per fiscal year,
the inside rail shall be permanent of gooseneck design and have no less than
24-inch overhang with a continuous smooth elevated cover which entirely covers
the overhang.
(C) For race meets or
continuous race meets which are licensed to run for 24 days or less during a
fiscal year, the design of the rail is subject to the approval of the
commission during the licensing hearing, with consultation from the executive
director, the stewards, the race meet licensee(s), and the jockeys riding at
the meet or their representative. In order to facilitate this provision the
executive director, the director or racing for the race meet(s), the stewards
and the jockeys or their representative shall discuss needed improvements for
the next year's race meet during or at the conclusion of each meet.
(b) Gates (Gaps). No gate openings
in a rail may be over 10 feet long without a center support. The top rail of
the gate must be secured to the top of the rail. Gate openings should not look
any different from the rest of the rail. All gates, other than the "On" and the
"Off" gates during training, must be closed during racing and training. "On"
and "Off" gates for horse access during training should be placed at least 50
feet apart.
(c) Morning Starting
Gate. The starting gate used for morning schooling shall be placed far enough
from the "On" and "Off" gates (gaps) so that horses coming on and going off the
track will not interfere with or distract morning schooling or breaking from
the gate.
(d) Obstacles. No
obstacle or device, such as distance pole markers, electrical boxes, timers,
starter's stands, patrol judge's stands, etc. shall be placed within 10 feet of
the back of the bottom of the rail post unless made flexible or
(e) Drainage Ditches or
Holes. Any drainage ditch or hole behind the inside rail must be covered with
soft material level with the ground surface.
(f) Lighting. All race track lighting systems
for nighttime racing must have an operational emergency generator or battery
back-up system which is serviced and tested at least once a month during the
track's racing season. Servicing and testing of the emergency lighting system
must be documented in writing and available to the commission staff upon
(g) Ambulance.
(A) The race meet licensee shall provide an
ambulance with standard medical equipment and certified paramedics or Emergency
Medical Technicians (EMT) for protection of patrons and racing personnel during
the conduct of a race meet, including workouts, and during the training period
preceding the official opening of the race meet.
(B) During racing, the ambulance and/or a
certified paramedic or EMT must be at the starting gate before horses are
loaded. If the ambulance is being used to transport an individual, the race
meet licensee may not conduct a race until the ambulance is replaced.
(C) During racing the ambulance shall follow
the field either on the track or in the infield unless otherwise directed by
the stewards. The ambulance must be staffed by certified paramedics or EMTs, be
properly equipped and otherwise be suitable for transporting an injured person
from the track to a roadworthy ambulance for transport to a hospital. A back-up
ambulance is to be in attendance during the absence of the main
(h) Safety
Committee. Any race track location which has 15 or more race days per year,
regardless of the number of race meet licensees, will have a safety committee.
The safety committee will be made up of two (2) representatives from the
management of the race meet licensee, two (2) representatives from the jockeys
riding at the track, two (2) representatives from the horsemen with papers in
the race office at the track, and at least one (1) of the state stewards. This
committee will be responsible for addressing unsafe conditions on the
racecourse including the racing surface and recommending solutions to the
conditions to the race meet licensee management, the racing commission
executive director and/or the commission.
(29) Assistant Starters. The race meet
licensee shall ensure that there is one assistant starter per horse in the race
plus at least one assistant starter to shut the tailgates.
(30) Valets. There shall be at least one
valet for every three horses in the maximum field size approved by the
(31) Fire Safety in
Stable Areas:
(a) Every race meet licensee
shall cause to be posted in the stable area of its premises the fire
regulations applicable on its grounds and such posted notice shall also state
the location of the nearest fire alarm box and the telephone number of the fire
department or other pertinent instructions as to the method for reporting a
fire in the area. Such notices shall be posted no more than one hundred (100)
feet apart or as approved by the local fire authority. No race meet licensee,
management or person shall violate the posted fire regulations specified by the
(b) All trainers or
their assistants and all concessionaires or their assistants shall acquaint
themselves with and brief their employees as to the following:
(A) Smoking regulations.
(B) Location of fire notification system in
immediate area of assigned barn.
(C) Location of all fire extinguishers and
extinguishing equipment in assigned barn area.
(D) Regulations regarding occupancy, use of
extension cords for extending electrical circuits, and use of electrical
(E) Regulations
regarding storage and use of feed, straw, tack, and supplies.
(F) Track regulations with regard to fire and
security, copies of which shall be provided to all trainers or their assistants
and concessionaires or their assistants. These regulations shall be used in
instructing members of the trainers' and concessionaires' staffs assigned to
the barn area.
(c) Signs
shall be posted in every barn and associated buildings dealing with the
following information:
(A) Location of manual
fire alarm stations, emergency telephones, or other methods of fire
(B) Location of fire
protection first-aid appliances.
(C) Emergency procedures specific to the
particular track facilities.
Location of nearest medical waste disposal containers.
(d) No open burning shall be permitted in the
barn area.
(e) Smoking shall be
prohibited except in designated safe areas. Proper warning signs shall be
(f) Use of any portable
electrical appliance shall be restricted to the following conditions:
(A) Multiple-outlet adapters shall be
(B) Not more than one
continuous extension cord shall be used to connect one appliance to the fixed
receptacle, and such cord shall be listed for hard service and properly sized
for the intended application.
(g) Extension cords shall not be supported by
any metal object such as nails, screws, hooks, and pipes.
(h) Portable cooking and heating appliances
shall be used only in spaces designated for such use provided they are
separated from the stabling and storage areas of the barn.
(i) Portable electrical heating and cooking
appliances shall be of a type that automatically interrupts electrical current
to the heating element when the appliance is not in the normal operating
position (tip-over disconnect).
Use of exposed element heating appliances such as immersion heaters shall be
prohibited except as used in accordance with the race meet licensee
(k) The storage of
flammable and combustible liquids, except those used for medicinal purposes,
shall be prohibited.
(l) The water
supply shall be capable of providing pressure and discharge capacity required
for automatically supplying sprinklers, hydrants, and hose lines.
(m) Fire protection must meet the local fire
(32) The
race meet licensee shall have available current telephone numbers for
twenty-four (24) hour emergency veterinarian care. The race meet licensee shall
post an established procedure, approved by the commission veterinarian, for
providing emergency veterinarian care five (5) days prior to until five (5)
days past their race meet.
(33) The
racetrack licensee shall be responsible for providing necessary track staff
with a Microchip Reader and internet enabled tablet, able to connect to the
reader, to view the horse breed registration associated with the "Digital
Tattoo". For fair meets the Commission will have available a Microchip reader
and internet enabled tablet.
Any race meet licensee failing to enforce these rules may be subject to fine or
revocation of license.
Statutory/Other Authority: ORS462.250
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 462.270
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.