Or. Admin. Code § 603-032-0120 - Marking and Identification of Grain and Storage Facilities

(1) All permanent bins licensed for storage of bulk grain shall be plainly and permanently numbered or lettered; a bin chart diagram showing the locations of the various bins in the storage facility shall be conspicuously posted.
(2) Public warehouses in which identity preserved lots of edible dry beans and dry peas are stored, shall be divided into sections, and each section shall be numbered or lettered in a legible manner.
(3) Field run, identity preserved "edible" dry beans or dry peas received in a public warehouse shall be given a lot number for each and every lot received. Identification tags or cards shall be attached to a sufficient number of bags, boxes, or containers of each lot so as to maintain unquestionable identity of each lot. Such identification tags shall show:
(a) Lot number;
(b) Number of bags or other containers;
(c) Warehouse receipt number, if any.
(4) If a public warehouse is not kept open each weekday, the warehouseman shall keep a written notice conspicuously posted on the door of the public entrance to such warehouse. Such notice shall state the name, address, and telephone number of an accessible person authorized to transact business in the name of the warehouseman.


Or. Admin. Code § 603-032-0120
AD 586, f. 7-28-58, ef. 7-25-58; AD 712, f. 10-3-62, ef. 10-11-62; DOA 9-1998, f. & cert. ef. 9-21-98

Stat. Auth.: ORS 561.190 & ORS 586.225 - ORS 586.561

Stats. Implemented: ORS 586.225 - ORS 586.561

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.