Or. Admin. Code § 603-058-0115 - Ingredient Names
For the purposes of ORS 633.006 to 633.089 & 633.992 and OAR 603-058-110 to 603-058-290 when required on the label the ingredient names shall be the common or usual name. It shall accurately identify or describe, in as simple and direct terms as possible, the basic nature of the ingredient or its characterizing properties. The name shall be uniform among all identical or similar ingredients and may not be confusingly similar to the name of any other ingredient that is not reasonably encompassed within the same name. Each ingredient shall be given its own common or usual name that states, in clear terms, what it is in a way that distinguishes it from other ingredients. Common or usual names shall be:
Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 633.006-089, 633.992, 561.605 & 561.620
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 663.067
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