Or. Admin. Code § 603-058-0230 - Labeling of Processed Animal Waste
(1) Animal waste products sold, held for
sale, or offered for sale shall be identified in accordance with the
definitions, and shall conform to the requirements of this section. Such
products, which are utilized for animal feeding on the premises, where
produced, by the person whose animals produced the same, shall conform
generally to the provisions of this rule:
"Processed animal waste" is a processed product composed of total excreta, with
or without litter, from poultry or ruminant animals. It shall not contain
levels of drug residue, pesticide residue, or other toxic or deleterious
substances that could be harmful to animals or result in harmful or unlawful
residue levels in their tissue or by-products. The final moisture of the
product shall not exceed 12 percent, except as provided in section (2) of this
rule. It shall not be used in feed for lactating dairy animals. If used in a
mixed feed, the maximum percentage of processed animal waste shall be stated on
the label of such mixed feed. It shall not be fed to animals within 15 days of
slaughter. Processed animal waste includes the following:
(b) "Dried Poultry Waste" is processed
undiluted poultry excreta collected from cage layer flocks. The product shall
be uniform and contain not less than 25 percent crude protein, not more than 15
percent crude fiber, and not more than 30 percent ash. It shall be labeled to
show minimum protein, maximum equivalent crude protein from nonprotein
nitrogen, minimum fat, maximum fiber, maximum ash, maximum and minimum salt
(NaCl), maximum and minimum calcium (Ca), and minimum phosphorus (P). The
product shall not contain more than 1 percent feathers;
(c) "Dried Poultry Litter" is the processed
combination of total poultry excreta and litter that occurs in the floor
production of poultry. The product shall be uniform and contain not less than
18 percent protein. The type of litter shall be a part of the product name. It
shall be labeled to show minimum protein, maximum equivalent crude protein from
nonprotein nitrogen, minimum fat, maximum fiber, maximum ash, maximum and
minimum calcium (Ca), minimum phosphorus (P), and maximum and minimum salt
(d) "Dried Ruminant Waste"
is processed bovine excreta free of extraneous material such as straws, wood
shavings, dirt, and similar materials. The product shall be uniform and contain
not less than 12 percent crude protein and not more than 30 percent crude fiber
and 20 percent ash. It shall be labeled to show minimum protein, maximum
equivalent crude protein from nonprotein nitrogen, minimum fat, maximum fiber,
maximum ash, and maximum and minimum salt (NaCl).
(2) Processed Animal Waste in excess of 12
percent moisture including slurries, silages, and other semidry products shall
conform to the requirements of section (1) of this rule except for the moisture
limitation stated therein. If sold for feeding purposes, it shall be labeled to
show type of process, maximum moisture, minimum protein, maximum equivalent
crude protein from nonprotein nitrogen, minimum fat, maximum fiber, maximum
ash, and maximum and minimum salt (NaCl).
Stat. Auth.: ORS 633.006-089, 633.992, 561.605 & 561.620
Stats. Implemented:
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.