Or. Admin. Code § 603-110-0300 - Stewardship Agreement Application Process

(1) Landowner must submit a written application on a form provided by the Departments. Information required includes:
(a) Name, contact information, property location, total acres, county, etc.
(b) Name of watershed the property is located in.
(c) Map and description of property, land uses, habitats, and water features (this does not need to include detailed or sensitive information about economic uses of property; the purpose is to know property boundaries, what habitats are present, and the general land use context.
(d) Name(s) of plans and programs landowner is implementing or participating in (if any) and how they contribute to meeting the criteria in 603-110-0500, including a copy of current certification (if any) or other conservation agreements.
(e) Identification of state, regional, and local conservation goals that the stewardship agreement is implementing.
(f) Description of conservation efforts for fish, wildlife, and water quality that are being used or are proposed.
(g) Identify management plan subject to the application review and subsequent audits.
(2) A written management plan is required, which could be a combination of an existing plan and/or a plan developed specifically for this program. The management plan needs to be available to the Department(s) during the review process and for subsequent audits, but landowners are not required to provide a copy for retention by the Department(s).
(3) A management plan will include:
(a) Landowner's name and contact information, total acreage, acreage in agriculture and forestry, legal description, watershed(s), date of plan, plan writer's name and contact information.
(b) Landowner goals and objectives.
(c) Property description and inventory, including: vegetation, fish and wildlife habitats, soils,
(d) Protection and/or enhancement of resources that exceeds regulatory requirements through land management practices and activities that are designed to achieve conservation, restoration, and improvement of fish and wildlife habitat or water quality.
(e) Maps, aerial photographs, and other visual aids to illustrate the property description and management activities.
(f) For land and activities falling under the Oregon Forest Practices Act, specific sites or resource sites that are inventoried and protected under ORS 527.710(3)(a) and OAR 629-665-0000 to 0300, or that are listed under 629-605-0170(1). Examples of these sites include sensitive bird nesting, roosting and watering sites, resource sites used by threatened and endangered fish and wildlife species, or significant wetlands.
(4) It is the policy of the Department(s) to protect confidential information in its files. The Department(s) recognize that a written management plan marked as "confidential" on the face of the document is submitted to the Department(s) on the condition that the information will be kept confidential. Any information voluntarily submitted to the Department(s) in confidence and not otherwise required by law to be submitted should reasonably be considered confidential. Such information in the management plans that should reasonably be considered confidential includes information that qualifies as a trade secret under ORS 192.501(2), that is, non-patented information that is known only to certain people within the organization, has commercial value, and would give its users a business advantage over competitors. Other confidential information may include information submitted in confidence that qualifies under any other public record exemption set forth in 192.501.
(5) The handling of confidential materials shall be as follows:
(a) The Department will make immediate distribution to the appropriate personnel.
(b) Confidential material is stored in and returned to files at end of day and protected from visual inspection by unauthorized persons at all times.
(c) Confidential areas are kept secured after working hours.


Or. Admin. Code § 603-110-0300
DOA 20-2006, f. & cert. ef. 11-21-06

Stat. Auth.: ORS 541.423

Stats. Implemented: ORS 541.423

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.