Or. Admin. Code § 603-110-0400 - Application Review
(1) Applications
will be reviewed jointly by the Departments.
(2) Application review will include a review
of the past record of compliance with applicable laws and regulations regarding
land use and management.
(3) The
Departments will accept applications at any time and will review applications
in a reasonable time, normally within 90 days.
(4) For applications covering lands in both
agriculture and forest use, the Departments will designate one of the
Departments to be the primary contact for development of the agreement, with
both Departments approving the agreement.
(5) The Department(s) will consult with
appropriate state and federal agencies and other conservation partners
regarding potential issues related to their responsibilities and
(6) The Department(s)
and landowner will work jointly to develop a draft stewardship agreement. This
will include a site visit with the landowner.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 541.423
Stats. Implemented: ORS 541.423
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