Or. Admin. Code § 603-110-0500 - Criteria To Evaluate Adequacy Of A Landowner Management Plan To Meet Purpose Of Rules
(1) The management
plan will include provisions to protect or conserve fish and wildlife habitat,
water resources, and soil resources appropriate to the property and consistent
with landowner objectives.
(2) The
management plan will be reviewed against the following criteria (a)-(c) to
determine whether the landowner is implementing management actions that exceed
regulatory requirements for the conservation, restoration, and improvement of
fish and wildlife habitat or water quality.
(a) Management actions to conserve, restore,
and improve fish and wildlife habitat
Specific conservation goals for fish and wildlife habitat are
(B) Alignment with
Oregon's 'Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy', an adopted subbasin
plan, and/or other watershed or landscape-scale conservation plan is
(C) Invasive species
are identified, controlled, and where possible, eliminated.
(D) Threatened, endangered, and at-risk
species and associated habitats are protected, enhanced, or restored.
(E) Food, water, and shelter components of
habitat for fish and wildlife are provided (e.g. snags, nesting trees, downed
wood, side-channels, bat/bird/bee boxes hedgerows, field edges,
(F) Crop selection and/or
management accommodates fish and wildlife habitat needs.
(G) Native habitat is restored and enhanced,
consistent with historic vegetative patterns. Restoration includes diverse
native species, structure, and age of vegetation appropriate to the site and
its regional context.
(H) Special
consideration is given to native habitats known to be uncommon, rare or at risk
(i.e. prairie, oak woodland, bottomland hardwood forest).
(I) Natural hydrology is restored to provide
habitat for native fish and other aquatic species.
(J) Where feasible, natural disturbance
processes like fire and flooding are allowed to function.
(K) Road disturbances to fish and wildlife
habitat are minimized.
(L) Fish
passage limitations are addressed.
(M) Water diversions are screened or
otherwise managed to provide fish passage and prevent entrapment.
(N) Water withdrawals are managed to enhance
the needs of fish and wildlife habitat.
(b) Management actions to conserve, restore
and improve water resources
(A) Riparian
vegetation is protected, managed, or restored to provide erosion control,
sediment and nutrient filtering, and other functions of a properly functioning
riparian area.
(B) Sediment runoff
and animal wastes are controlled at the source to prevent ground and/or surface
water contamination.
(C) Vegetation
and soils are managed to conserve water by encouraging infiltration and storage
of rainfall in the soil.
Irrigation and drainage systems are managed to prevent waste of water and to
protect water quality.
(E) Road
systems are managed to reduce or eliminate sediment delivery to streams and to
prevent catastrophic failure.
Cultural and biological pest prevention strategies are used to reduce or
eliminate the need for pesticide applications (e.g. Integrated Pest
(G) Precautions are
taken to prevent leaks or spills of pesticides or petroleum products, such as
fuel, motor oil, and hydraulic fluid, from reaching waters of the state and
sensitive native habitats.
(c) Management actions to conserve, restore,
and improve soil resources
(A) Tillage
practices minimize degradation of soil quality and conserve organic matter and
soil aggregation.
(B) Soils are
protected from erosion by optimizing plant cover or residue throughout the
year. Practices include but are not limited to: permanent vegetative cover in
orchards, nurseries, and vineyards, mulch in row crops, and by using pastures
and appropriate intensity, duration, and frequency of livestock
(C) Crop rotations that
include cover crops are used to build soil organic matter and
(D) Soil disturbance
and compaction during timber harvest is minimized.
(E) A comprehensive nutrient management plan
or other means are used to conserve and recycle nutrients by converting organic
wastes into productive uses and by seeking ways to generate nutrients on farm.
Practices that can be used include but are not limited to: cover cropping,
on-farm composting, and integrating livestock into farm production.
(F) Land management on steep slopes and
fragile soils is conducted in a manner to reduce or eliminate impacts to the
Stat. Auth.: ORS 541.423
Stats. Implemented: ORS 541.423
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