Or. Admin. Code § 603-110-0600 - Stewardship Agreement

(1) The agreement will include the landowner's commitment to:
(a) Implement the activities and monitoring identified in this agreement for enhancing conservation, restoration, and improvement of fish and wildlife habitat or water quality.
(b) Comply with and manage beyond relevant habitat and water quality rules and statutes.
(c) Allow audits and assist with the process, as appropriate.
(2) The agreement will identify the activities and monitoring that will be done for conservation, restoration, and improvement of fish and wildlife habitat or water quality.
(3) The agreement will include the Departments' commitment to:
(a) Accept the agreement as demonstrating compliance with state regulatory requirements if the agreement demonstrates such compliance.
(b) Provide specific assistance or incentives that may include: information about conservation programs, certification for marketing purposes, technical assistance, coordination with other agencies to resolve issues.
(c) Strive to match participants with resources suitable to meet landowner objectives.
(4) For lands subject to the Oregon Forest Practices Act, the stewardship agreement may include sufficient detail to meet the requirements for:
(a) Written plans under ORS 527.670(3), OAR 629-605-0170, and 629-605-173;
(b) Fifteen-day waiting periods under OAR 629-605-0150(1), except as provided by ORS 527.670(9) for aerial chemical applications;
(c) Notification consistent with OAR 629-605-0140 and 629-605-0150; and
(d) Other administrative rules and statutes related to notification, such as for fire protection, taxation, safety, water withdrawals, or public subscriptions.
(5) Landowners may have active forest operations on lands that are part of a proposed stewardship agreement. If so, the stewardship agreement will immediately apply those operations when the stewardship agreement is finalized.
(6) Department access to stewardship agreement lands is limited to reviews and audits for which landowners have provided authority. Landowners may also choose to authorize additional limited access to lands under the stewardship agreement for purposes of biological effectiveness monitoring.
(7) The agreement will include the frequency of audits, which will be established based on the Departments' evaluation of the relative complexity of the management plan and the terms of the stewardship agreement.


Or. Admin. Code § 603-110-0600
DOA 20-2006, f. & cert. ef. 11-21-06

Stat. Auth.: ORS 541.423

Stats. Implemented: ORS 541.423

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