Or. Admin. Code § 603-110-0700 - Decision Authority
(1) The
State Forester is delegated full authority by the Board of Forestry to
implement the provisions of ORS
541.423, including but not
limited to review of management plans and preparation and approval of
stewardship agreements.
(2) Prior
to approving a stewardship agreement, the Departments will provide public
notice and 21 days for comment on the proposed agreement.
(3) When the Departments determine that
comments from the review process are adequately addressed, the stewardship
agreement will be approved.
(4) The
Departments will give notice of approval, termination, and revisions of a
stewardship agreement to each other, to the Oregon Department of Fish and
Wildlife, and to the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board.
(5) If the management plan includes potential
chemical application operations related to forest operations, the State
Forester will give notice of approval of a stewardship agreement to:
(a) Any person with surface water rights
pursuant to ORS Chapter 537 who, under the provisions of ORS
527.670(6), has
previously requested in writing from the State Forester copies of notifications
and written plans for chemical application operations within ten upstream miles
of the water right location; and
(b) The community water system manager of any
community water system where the surface water drainage area upstream of the
intake is 100 square miles or less and the management plan includes potential
aerial chemical application operations within 100 feet, or ground-based
chemical application operations within 50 feet, of the Type D or domestic use
portions of Type F streams that provide water used by the community water
(6) The
Departments will notify persons who submitted timely comments of the approval
of a stewardship agreement. Any person who submitted timely comments and who is
adversely affected by the operations conducted under an approved or amended
stewardship agreement may file a written request for a hearing to the
appropriate Department.
(7) As
provided for in ORS 568.912 and
527.700(1) and
(2) a landowner may appeal an order denying
approval of a stewardship agreement.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 541.423
Stats. Implemented: ORS 541.423
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