Or. Admin. Code § 812-003-0321 - Notification of Change of Independent Contractor Status

(1) When a contractor's license status changes from nonexempt to exempt or from exempt to nonexempt, the contractor must notify the board. The contractor must file a Notification of Changed Contractor License Status within 30 days of the effective date of the change.
(2) There is no charge to file the Notification under this rule.


Or. Admin. Code § 812-003-0321
CCB 2-2011, f. 4-28-11, cert. ef. 5-1-11; CCB 2-2023, amend filed 11/30/2023, effective 1/1/2024

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 670.310 & 701.235

Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 701.035

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