Or. Admin. Code § 812-003-0420 - Davis Bacon Act
(1) On
all construction projects regulated under the state Prevailing Wage Law, ORS
279C.800 to
279C.870 or the Davis Bacon Act
and related acts, 40 USC 276 a, the primary contractor shall provide the list
of subcontractors required by ORS
701.345, to the contracting
public agency and to the Wage and Hour Division of the Bureau of Labor and
Industries, 800 NE Oregon #32, Portland OR 97232.
(2) The initial list of subcontractors will
be submitted to the contracting public agency and to the Wage and Hour Division
of the Bureau of Labor and Industries on the same date that the initial Payroll
and Certified Statement form (WH-38) is due. Instructions for submitting form
WH-38 are contained in OAR 839-016-0010.
(3) The primary contractor will prepare and
submit updated lists of subcontractors with each submittal of the Payroll and
Certified Statement form (WH-38).
Forms referenced are available from the agency.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 670.310 & 701.235
Stats. Implemented: ORS 279C.800-279C.870, 701.345
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
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