1. § 137-049-0100 - Application
  2. § 137-049-0110 - Policies
  3. § 137-049-0120 - Definitions
  4. § 137-049-0130 - Competitive Bidding Requirement
  5. § 137-049-0140 - Contracts for Construction Other Than Public Improvements
  6. § 137-049-0150 - Emergency Contracts; Bidding and Bonding Exemptions
  7. § 137-049-0160 - Intermediate Procurements; Competitive Quotes and Amendments
  8. § 137-049-0200 - Solicitation Documents; Required Provisions; Assignment or Transfer
  9. § 137-049-0210 - Notice and Advertising Requirements; Posting
  10. § 137-049-0220 - Prequalification of Offerors
  11. § 137-049-0230 - Eligibility to Bid or Propose; Registration or License
  12. § 137-049-0240 - Pre-Offer Conferences
  13. § 137-049-0250 - Addenda to Solicitation Documents
  14. § 137-049-0260 - Request for Clarification or Change; Solicitation Protests
  15. § 137-049-0270 - Cancellation of Solicitation Document
  16. § 137-049-0280 - Offer Submissions
  17. § 137-049-0290 - Bid or Proposal Security
  18. § 137-049-0300 - Facsimile Bids and Proposals
  19. § 137-049-0310 - Electronic Procurement
  20. § 137-049-0320 - Pre-Closing Modification or Withdrawal of Offers
  21. § 137-049-0330 - Receipt, Opening and Recording of Offers; Confidentiality of Offers
  22. § 137-049-0340 - Late Bids, Late Withdrawals and Late Modifications
  23. § 137-049-0350 - Mistakes
  24. § 137-049-0360 - First-Tier Subcontractors; Disclosure and Substitution
  25. § 137-049-0370 - Disqualification of Persons
  26. § 137-049-0380 - Bid or Proposal Evaluation Criteria
  27. § 137-049-0390 - Offer Evaluation and Award; Determination of Responsibility
  28. § 137-049-0395 - Notice of Intent to Award
  29. § 137-049-0400 - Documentation of Award; Availability of Award Decisions
  30. § 137-049-0410 - Time for Contracting Agency Acceptance; Extension
  31. § 137-049-0420 - Negotiation With Bidders Prohibited
  32. § 137-049-0430 - Negotiation When Bids Exceed Cost Estimate
  33. § 137-049-0440 - Rejection of Offers
  34. § 137-049-0450 - Protest of Contractor Selection, Contract Award
  35. § 137-049-0460 - Performance and Payment Security; Waiver
  36. § 137-049-0470 - Substitute Contractor
  37. § 137-049-0490 - Foreign Contractor
  38. § 137-049-0600 - Purpose
  39. § 137-049-0610 - Definitions for Alternative Contracting Methods
  40. § 137-049-0620 - Use of Alternative Contracting Methods
  41. § 137-049-0630 - Findings, Notice and Hearing
  42. § 137-049-0640 - Competitive Proposals; Procedure
  43. § 137-049-0645 - Requests for Qualifications
  44. § 137-049-0650 - Requests for Proposals
  45. § 137-049-0660 - RFP Pricing Mechanisms
  46. § 137-049-0670 - Design-Build Contracts
  47. § 137-049-0680 - Energy Savings Performance Contracts (ESPC)
  48. § 137-049-0690 - Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC)
  49. § 137-049-0800 - Required Contract Clauses
  50. § 137-049-0810 - Waiver of Delay Damages Against Public Policy
  51. § 137-049-0815 - BOLI Public Works Bond
  52. § 137-049-0820 - Retainage
  53. § 137-049-0830 - Contractor Progress Payments
  54. § 137-049-0840 - Interest
  55. § 137-049-0850 - Final Inspection
  56. § 137-049-0860 - Public Works Contracts
  57. § 137-049-0870 - Specifications; Brand Name Products
  58. § 137-049-0880 - Records Maintenance; Right to Audit Records
  59. § 137-049-0890 - Contracting Agency Payment for Unpaid Labor or Supplies
  60. § 137-049-0900 - Contract Suspension; Termination Procedures
  61. § 137-049-0910 - Changes to the Work and Contract Amendments

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.