1 Pa. Code § 31.23 - Other representation prohibited at hearings

A person shall not be represented at a hearing before an agency head or a presiding officer except:

(1) As stated in § 31.21 or § 31.22 (relating to appearance in person; and appearance by attorney).
(2) As otherwise permitted by the agency in a specific case.


1 Pa. Code § 31.23

This section cited in 4 Pa. Code §89.26 (relating to representation); 4 Pa. Code §607a.8 (relating to representation); 7 Pa. Code §179.63 (relating to representation before the Commission); 25 Pa. Code §1021.21 (relating to representation); 28 Pa. Code §1111.8 (relating to right of the appellant); 28 Pa. Code §1113.2 (relating to administrative appeal procedures); 28 Pa. Code §1230.26 (relating to representation); 34 Pa. Code §131.54 (relating to manner and conduct of hearings); 34 Pa. Code §131.58 (relating to informal conferences); 34 Pa. Code §131.59 (relating to mediation); 34 Pa. Code §131.59a (relating to voluntary mediation); 34 Pa. Code §131.59b (relating to mandatory mediation); 34 Pa. Code §131.60 (relating to resolution hearings); 37 Pa. Code §171.3 (relating to practice before the arbitration panels); 49 Pa. Code §43b.302 (relating to representation in formal proceedings); 52 Pa. Code §1.23 (relating to other representation prohibited at hearings); 52 Pa. Code §1001.23 (relating to other representation prohibited at hearings); 58 Pa. Code §499a.3 (relating to other representation probibited at hearings); and 61 Pa. Code §702.21 (relating to representation).

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.