22 Pa. Code § 233.123 - Reinstatements
Application for reinstatement.
(1) Under section 16 of the act
(24 P. S. §
2070.16), an educator whose
certificate or employment eligibility has been suspended, surrendered or
revoked may apply to the Commission for an order lifting the suspension or
reinstating the certificate or employment eligibility. The application should
be filed with the Commission, served upon the Department in accordance with 1
Pa. Code Part II (relating to General Rules of Administrative Practice and
Procedure) and be in the form prescribed by the Commission. The educator shall
indicate expressly whether the educator wishes to invoke or waive the right to
a hearing.
(2) The Commission will
immediately assign a docket number and inform the educator, the Department and
the governing board of the school entity or entities where the educator was
employed at the time the misconduct occurred, as well as the school entity by
which the applicant was last employed, if different.
(3) In accordance with section 16(b) of the
act , the Commission will not consider any application for reinstatement of any
educator whose certificate or employment eligibility was revoked or suspended
as a result of a finding of guilt for sexual abuse or exploitation, or who
surrendered a certificate or employment eligibility for conduct related to
sexual abuse or exploitation.
In accordance with section 16(c) of the act , the Commission will not consider
any application for reinstatement of a certificate or eligibility of an
educator convicted of a crime under 18 Pa.C.S. (relating to Crimes Code) set
forth in section 111(e)(1)-(3) of the Public School Code of 1949 (24 P. S. §
1-111(e)(1)-(3)) for the
time period established in that section.
Recommendation of the Department
and local school entity.
(1) Under
section 16 of the act , the Department and the school entity or entities in
which the educator was employed at the time of the misconduct may review the
application and, based upon the information in the application and any
investigation the Department or school entity or entities might deem
appropriate, make a recommendation regarding the application within 90 days, or
the time designated by the Commission, after their receipt of the
(2) The recommendation
of the Department and of the school entity or entities should be served upon
the educator in accordance with 1 Pa. Code Part II.
(3) The Executive Director will verify that
the Department and the school entity or entities in which the educator was
employed at the time of the misconduct have received the application for
purposes of making a recommendation. If the Commission has not received the
Department's or the school entity's or entities' recommendation or a request
for additional time in which to respond within the time prescribed, the
Commission will presume that the Department or the school entity or entities
has no position on the application.
(4) The decision making of the Commission
will be best served if the Department conducts an investigation of the
justification and propriety of the relief requested by the educator and
provides complete information to support its recommendation.
(1) The confidentiality provisions of section
17.2 of the act (24 P. S. §
2070.17b) do not
apply to applications for reinstatement. It is the policy of the Commission to
conduct proceedings involving applications for reinstatement in public and to
provide the public with a full opportunity to comment upon these applications
by publishing the appropriate notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin
consistent with the format prescribed by 1 Pa. Code §§
11.31 and
11.32 (relating to sample notice
of opportunity for hearing; and sample notice of hearing). The notice will
describe the application and will provide interested persons and entities 30
days within which to petition to intervene or file protests with the
(2) The Executive
Director will provide copies of all notices prescribed by this subsection to
the applicant educator, the Department, the school entity or entities where the
misconduct occurred, and the governing board of the school entity by which the
applicant was last employed, if known.
Waiver of hearing.
Notwithstanding the educator's waiver of a hearing, the Department may request
a hearing or the Commission may appoint a hearing officer to prepare a proposed
report or proceed directly to consider the application.
Hearing procedures.
Hearing officer
appointed. If it has been determined that a hearing will be held, the
Commission will appoint a hearing officer from a list of impartial third
parties qualified to conduct hearings from the list agreed upon jointly by the
Governor's General Counsel and at least two-thirds of the Commission under
section 13(c)(1) of the act (24 P. S. §
Burden of proof.
Burden of proof on
applicant. The burden of proof is on the applicant to establish that
the relief the applicant seeks is just and proper. The applicant may not
contest the allegations of misconduct that resulted in the revocation,
suspension or surrender of the applicant's certificate or employment
Just and
proper standard. For purposes of determining whether it is just and
proper to lift a suspension or reinstate a certificate, at a minimum, the
Commission may consider the following:
(A) The
conduct which resulted in discipline or which led to the surrender.
(B) Other past conduct of the
(C) The applicant's
current attitude towards past conduct.
(D) Rehabilitation efforts and
(E) References and
letters of support or opposition.
Right to counsel. An
applicant has the right to be represented by counsel and to present evidence
and argument in accordance with 1 Pa. Code Part II and other rules of procedure
promulgated by the Commission.
Hearing officer's proposed report. Within 90 days after the
conclusion of the hearing, including briefing and oral argument, the hearing
officer will issue a proposed report concerning whether relief should be
granted. A proposed report will include proposed findings of fact and
conclusions of law, and will specify the relief, if any, proposed.
Exceptions to hearing officer's
(i) The proposed report of
the hearing officer will become final unless excepted to by a party within 30
days after the date the proposed report was mailed or unless the Commission
initiates a review of the hearing officer's proposed report in the absence of
exceptions or reopens the proceeding for the reception of further evidence
within 60 days of the date the proposed report was mailed. If no timely
exceptions are filed and the Commission does not initiate a review of the
proposed report in the absence of exceptions or reopen the proceeding for the
reception of further evidence, the Commission will at its next regularly
scheduled meeting consider the report of the hearing officer and issue an order
implementing the hearing officer's proposed report.
(ii) If timely exceptions are filed or the
Commission initiates a review of the proposed report in the absence of
exceptions or reopens the proceeding for the reception of further evidence, the
Commission, within a reasonable time, will by a majority vote of its full
membership accept, modify or reject the hearing officer's proposed report and
issue a written decision.
Automatic reinstatement.
(i) Any certificate or employment eligibility
suspended or revoked pursuant to a criminal indictment or conviction under
section 9.2 of the act (24 P. S. §
2070.9b) will be reinstated upon notice to
the Commission that the criminal indictment has been dismissed or that the
conviction was overturned and the underlying charges dismissed.
(ii) Notice to the Commission means the
filing of court records reflecting the dismissal. The court records shall be
certified or bear comparable written indicia of validity.
(iii) The Commission authorizes its legal
counsel to enter reinstatement orders under this subsection. Legal counsel
shall report all reinstatement orders to the Commission at its regularly
scheduled meetings.
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.