7 Pa. Code § 139.77 - Maintenance of amusement rides and attractions

(a) Maintenance program. The owner of an amusement ride or amusement attraction shall implement a program of maintenance, testing and inspection, based on manufacturer's recommendations, providing for the duties and responsibilities necessary in the care of each amusement ride or attraction. The maintenance program must include a checklist to be made available to the person performing the regularly scheduled maintenance. The maintenance program must include, the ASTM International F-24 Committee Standards for the operation, maintenance, testing and inspections.
(b) Electricity lock-out. A person performing maintenance or repairs, or making an inspection, shall lock-out the electrical disconnect switch when restoration of electrical power to an amusement ride or amusement attraction could create a hazard to persons during the performance of maintenance, repair, inspection or an emergency evacuation of persons, and ensure that it remains locked out until restoration of power will not create a hazard.
(c) Identification and rating plates. Manufacturers' identification information affixed to the ride or attraction shall be maintained in a readily visible and legible condition at all times to the inspector.
(d) Wire rope.
(1) Wire rope shall be thoroughly examined. Wire rope found to be damaged shall be replaced with a new rope of proper design and capacity as set forth on the manufacturer's date tag. If failure of the rope would affect safety of the ride or attraction and its passengers any of the following conditions will be cause for rope replacement:
(i) In running ropes, six radomly distributed broken wires in a rope lay, or four broken wires in one strand of a rope lay. A rope lay is the length along the rope in which one stand makes a complete revolution around the rope.
(ii) In pendants or standing ropes-ropes bearing the entire load and subject to constant pressure and surge shocks-evidence of more than one broken wire in one rope lay.
(iii) Abrasion, scrubbing or peening causing loss of more that 1/3 of the original diameter of the outside individual wires.
(iv) Severe corrosion.
(v) Kinking, crushing, birdcaging or other damage resulting in distortion of the rope structure.
(vi) Heat damage.
(vii) Reduction from nominal diameter of more than 6.0%. Marked reduction in diameter indicates deterioration of the core resulting in lack of proper support for the load carrying strands. Excessive rope stretch or elongation may be an indication of internal deterioration.
(viii) Bird-caging or other distortion resulting in some members of the rope structure carrying more load than others.
(ix) Noticeable rusting or development of broken wires in the vicinty of attachments. If the condition is localized in an operating rope, the section in question can be eliminated by making new attachment. This may be done rather than replacing the entire rope.
(2) Wire ropes used to support, suspend, bear, or control forces and weights involved in the movement and utilization of tubs, cars, chairs, sets, other carriers, the sweeps, or other supporting members of a ride or attraction may not be lengthened or repaired by splicing.
(3) Mechanical devices that brake, control, or come in contact with wire rope, such as rollers, drums and sheaves shall be examined to ensure cleanliness and safe condition. Mechanical devices with broken chips, undue roughness or uneven wear shall be replaced immediately.
(e) Wood components. Footings, splices, uprights, track timers, ledgers, sills, laps, bracing, flooring and all other wood components of rides, attractions and structures shall be inspected for deterioration, cracks or fractures. Emphasis shall be given to insuring tight nails, bolts, lag bolts and other fasteners. When wood piling requires replacement, ground level concrete piers shall be used. Wood members found to be defective shall be removed and replaced with material of equal or greater strength and capacity. Repairs and replacements to fixed roller coasters shall be made in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer.
(f) Articulations and bearings.
(1) The articulating pinions, frames, sweeps, eccentrics and other mechanical members shall be inspected for wear, out-of-round, cracks and other signs of deterioration, and shall be kept in good repair.
(2) Main center spindles shall be tested by nondestructive methods according to the manufacturer's specifications. Test results must list the date of the test, name of the ride owner and serial number or identification number of the device.
(3) Bearing surfaces, ball joints and other single or multiple direction mechanical surfaces shall be kept well lubricated, clean and inspected for out-of-round or out-of-spherical and shall be kept in good repair.
(4) Gear alignment and gear drives shall be kept in good repair.
(5) Motor wiring, general service circuitry, decorative wiring and festoon wiring shall be inspected for signs of deterioration such as cracking. Secure tape repairs may be used; however, use of tape repairs shall be kept to a minimum. Wire clips on articulating devices shall be kept in good repair, and particular attention shall be paid to wires at elbows and at the end of articulating devices during inspections.
(6) Retaining, restraining and containing devices shall be inspected to insure they can continuously fulfill their function. Worn and damaged areas shall be repaired immediately or be immediately replaced.
(7) The hydraulic system shall be checked for leaks, damaged pipes and worn or deteriorated hoses.
(8) A record of each inspection, test and maintenance shall be made immediately upon completion of the inspection/test and indicate those components subjected to special examination, such as X-ray, liquid penetrant, magnetic particle or ultrasonic testing and the dates the examinations were performed. The record must also include breakdowns or repairs and violations of this chapter with action taken to rectify the violation. The record shall be kept and made available to the Department and qualified inspector for at least 3 years.


7 Pa. Code § 139.77
The provisions of this § 139.77 amended December 12, 2008, effective 12/13/2008, 38 Pa.B. 6843.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.