S.C. Code Regs. § 27-1083 - Pesticide Application Assurance, Vehicle Identification, Applicator Records Maintenance, and Direct Supervision
A. At each customer's request, all licensed commercial and non-commercial pesticide applicators are hereby required to provide the following information:
(1) Structural and general household pest control operations:
(a) Provide all customers at their request with a completed, fully legible, statement with respect to any application of pesticides on property under their ownership or control.
(b) The statement must contain at a minimum the following information:
(1) The name of the company or firm and their address.
(2) The pest or pests to be controlled.
(3) The common chemical name of the active ingredient(s) (not the brand name) of the pesticide applied.
(4) The name of responsible licensed applicator.
(c) If pest-control services are being provided under a continuing contract (i.e. monthly, quarterly, or otherwise other than a one-time treatment) for general household insect control other than wood-destroying insects or rats and mice, then more general terms may be used relative to the name of the pest and several alternate chemicals may be listed. In this event all of the above requirements for record maintenance and disclosure must also be complied with.
(2) Aerial applicators.
(a) Provide all customers at their request with a completed fully legible statement with respect to any application of pesticides.
(b) The statement must contain the following information, as a minimum:
(1) Company or firm name and address.
(2) The pest or pests to be controlled, or purpose of the pesticide application.
(3) The chemical or common name of the active ingredient(s) (not the brand name) of the pesticide applied.
(4) Name of responsible licensed applicator.
(3) Custom ground applicators. (This group includes commercial agricultural applicators, lawn, golf course, ornamental plant and tree pesticide applicators, mosquito control pesticide applicators, wood preservative applicators, and all other types of commercial and non-commercial pesticide applicators.)
(a) Provide all customers at their request with a completed, fully legible, statement with respect to any application of pesticides.
(b) The statement must contain the following information, as a minimum:
(1) Company or firm name and address.
(2) The pest or pests to be controlled, or purpose of the pesticide application.
(3) The chemical or common name of the active ingredient(s) (not the brand name) of the pesticide applied.
(4) Name of responsible licensed applicator.
(4) For non-commercial applicators only, or for commercial applicators making applicators for and under the direct supervision of a governmental entity, the disclosure requirements of the above Sections must be met by announcement or publication of the nature and timing of pesticide applications in the appropriate mass media outlets not less than 24 hours prior to the application.
B. All vehicles used by licensed commercial and non-commercial pesticide applicators to transport pesticides to and from the application site, or used in the actual application of pesticides, must bear an identification symbol, furnished by the Department, on both the right and left sides of the vehicle. All boats used in commercial and non-commercial pesticide applications must bear the same symbol on both the right and the left side of the vessel. Aircraft are identified by their registration number and thus will not be required to bear the State identification symbol.
(1) The symbol must be maintained clean and recognizable from a minimum distance of one-hundred (100) feet.
(2) State identification symbols are not required on every piece of small equipment used by a licensed applicator, nor on every automobile or truck owned by a company, firm, or applicator. Symbols are required only on the actual transport, service and application vehicles.
C. Applicator records maintenance.
(1) Records must be maintained by each company or firm employing licensed commercial or noncommercial pesticide applicators, each licensed commercial applicator if self-employed, and by the employer of each licensed noncommercial applicator, of all pesticides used.
(2) The record must include the quantity of each pesticide used, received, or purchased, the common chemical name of the active ingredient(s) (if available), the brand name and EPA Registration Number, the pest or purpose for which the pesticide was applied, and the date and place of application. It is not necessary to list the pests involved for general household insect control or for general insect control measures in commercial and industrial establishments. In these cases the record may indicate merely "household pests" or "general insect control."
(3) Records of pesticide applications must be maintained by the company, firm, or licensed commercial or noncommercial applicator as detailed below:
(a) For pre-construction termite-control treatments ("pretreats"), including the installation of bait systems and baits containing active ingredients, records of termiticide application must be maintained for a period of five (5) years or as long as a continuing warranty or contract exists, whichever is longer, and must be made available to the Director or his designee for review and duplication upon request at the expense of the Department.
(b) For post-construction termite-control treatments, including the installation of bait systems and baits containing active ingredients, records of termiticide application must be maintained for a period of five (5) years from the date of application or as long as a continuing warranty or contract exists, whichever is longer, and must be made available to the Director or his designee for review and duplication upon request at the expense of the Department.
(c) Records of pesticide applications other than termiticides must be maintained for a period of two (2) years from the date of the application.
(4) The Director may request records of all pesticides used by any applicator. This includes application records as well as any records of or related to pesticides purchased or otherwise received by the applicator. The expense of copying or duplicating those records shall be paid by the Department.
D. Direct Supervision: The level of direct supervision required for certain pest control activities will vary according to the nature of the application.
(1) Unless the label of the product being applied requires a licensed applicator on site, Licensed Commercial and non-commercial applicators whose business location is not within the boundaries of the State of South Carolina must have a licensed applicator within 30 (thirty) minutes of the application site by ordinary ground transportation and immediately available by telephone or radio.
(2) For Licensed Commercial and non-commercial applicators whose business location is within the boundaries of the State of South Carolina:
(a) The use of all fumigants will require an applicator holding a valid Commercial Applicators License in Category 7B, Category 1C, or other appropriate category as determined by the Department, to be physically present on site and supervising the application at all times when pesticide is being applied.
(b) The use of any pesticide classified as restricted use by the EPA or the Department, regardless of the signal word, will require the supervising licensed applicator (licensed in the proper category), to be within 30 (thirty) miles by ordinary ground transportation of the application site and immediately accessible by telephone or radio.
(c) For categories of use in which licensing is mandatory, the use of any pesticide which has the signal word "Danger" or "Warning" will require the licensee supervising the application to be within 60 (sixty) miles by ordinary ground transportation of the application site and immediately accessible by telephone or radio.
(d) For categories of use in which licensing is mandatory, the use of any pesticide which has the signal word "Caution" will require the licensee supervising the application to be within 100 (one-hundred) miles by ordinary ground transportation of the application site and immediately available by telephone or radio.
(e) For categories of use in which licensing is mandatory, the use of any pesticide without a signal word will require the licensee supervising the application to be within one hundred (100) miles by ordinary ground transportation of the application site and immediately available by telephone or radio.
(f) For all other structural pest control activities, the DCA or licensee supervising the activity must be within one hundred (100) miles by ordinary ground transportation of the activity site and immediately available by telephone or radio.
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.