S.D. Admin. R. 20:10:28:126 - Equal access - Included expenses

For those companies that implement equal access within the state jurisdiction, equal access expenses include only initial incremental presubscription costs and other initial incremental expenditures related directly to the provision of equal access that would not be required to upgrade the capabilities of the office involved except for the provision of equal access. Equal access expenses are limited to the expenditures for converting central offices that serve competitive interexchange carriers or where there has been a bona fide request for conversion to equal access.

Intrastate equal access expenses which are not related to centralized equal access provisioning are directly assigned to toll. Centralized equal access expenses are recovered separately by the centralized equal access provider. Costs incurred by the local exchange company to provide centralized equal access are directly assigned to toll.


S.D. Admin. R. 20:10:28:126
19 SDR 111, effective 1/31/1993.

General Authority: SDCL 49-1-11, 49-31-5, 49-31-18.

Law Implemented: SDCL 49-31-18.

Equal access expenses, 47 C.F.R. § 36.421(a)(b) (1991).

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