S.D. Admin. R. 46:11:07:16 - Preventive health care - Early detection

The provider of direct HCB services shall offer education to a participant and assist the participant in obtaining preventive health care evaluations consistent with the American Cancer Society Guidelines for Early Detection of Cancer. The provider of direct HCB services will assist a participant in implementing any recommendations based on the preventive health care evaluations.

The provider of direct HCB services must assist the participant in obtaining any immunization as recommended by the most current available Immunization Schedule from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, unless the participant or their guardian declines a particular immunization. The provider of direct HCB services shall keep a record of the participant's immunization status.


S.D. Admin. R. 46:11:07:16
40 SDR 102, effective 12/3/2013; 42 SDR 9, effective 8/2/2016; 49 SDR 048, effective 11/22/2022

General Authority: SDCL 27B-2-26(3), 36-9-28(10).

Law Implemented: SDCL 27B-2-26(3), 36-9-28(10).

American Cancer Society Guidelines for Early Detection of Cancer. A copy may be obtained free of charge on-line at www.cancer.org then search for early detection of cancer.

Immunization Schedule, current version available on-line at www.cdc.gov/vaccines.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.