Chapter 20:04:25 - Rules of the race

  1. § 20:04:25:00 - Types of races
  2. § 20:04:25:01 - No runoff for dead heats
  3. § 20:04:25:02 - Equal division of purse money
  4. § 20:04:25:03 - Two winners in a dead heat for first place
  5. § 20:04:25:04 - Dead heat for second place with an objection for first place
  6. § 20:04:25:05 - Division of money - Drawing of lots for indivisible prizes
  7. § 20:04:25:06 - Inclusions in winnings
  8. § 20:04:25:07 - Winnings in a walkover
  9. § 20:04:25:08 - Awarding of money to walkover winner
  10. § 20:04:25:09 - Money refunded in void races
  11. § 20:04:25:10 - Void race
  12. § 20:04:25:11 - Duties of licensee exercising a horse
  13. § 20:04:25:12 - Posting results and photographs
  14. § 20:04:25:13 - Determining the finish by the noses of the horses
  15. § 20:04:25:14 - Displaying the official sign
  16. § 20:04:25:15 - Correcting errors on official sign
  17. § 20:04:25:16 - Identification by the official identifier required
  18. § 20:04:25:17 - Duties of the identifier
  19. § 20:04:25:18 - Tattoo required in certain circumstances
  20. § 20:04:25:19 - Accountability of a person attempting to establish the identity of a horse
  21. § 20:04:25:20 - Starting of flat races
  22. § 20:04:25:21 - Starting without a stall gate.Repealed
  23. § 20:04:25:22 - Starting horses outside the gate prohibited
  24. § 20:04:25:23 - Permission required to exercise a horse between races
  25. § 20:04:25:24 - Public announcement required for exercising a horse
  26. § 20:04:25:25 - Horses required to be in paddock before post time - Penalty for failure to comply
  27. § 20:04:25:26 - Horses to be saddled in paddock
  28. § 20:04:25:27 - Parading of horses required
  29. § 20:04:25:28 - Time limit for parade
  30. § 20:04:25:29 - Steward may send horses to post
  31. § 20:04:25:30 - Requirement that horses carry their weights
  32. § 20:04:25:31 - After entering the track, dismounting by jockeys prohibited
  33. § 20:04:25:32 - Dismounting in case of accident allowed
  34. § 20:04:25:33 - Remounting allowed if a jockey thrown
  35. § 20:04:25:34 - Jockey replaced if injured
  36. § 20:04:25:35 - Return of horse leaving the course
  37. § 20:04:25:36 - Willful delay of the arrival of a horse prohibited
  38. § 20:04:25:37 - Who may start a horse - Pointing the path prohibited.Repealed
  39. § 20:04:25:38 - All persons excluded from the track
  40. § 20:04:25:39 - Determination of the post positions
  41. § 20:04:25:40 - Placing of the horses at the post.Repealed
  42. § 20:04:25:41 - Post time
  43. § 20:04:25:42 - Improper weaving forbidden
  44. § 20:04:25:43 - Impeding another horse a foul
  45. § 20:04:25:44 - Willful jostling forbidden
  46. § 20:04:25:45 - Willful touching forbidden
  47. § 20:04:25:46 - Unnecessary shortening of stride forbidden
  48. § 20:04:25:47 - Horses required to carry assigned weight.Repealed
  49. § 20:04:25:48 - Two horses in one interest required to give best efforts
  50. § 20:04:25:49 - Stewards to take notice of foul riding
  51. § 20:04:25:50 - Effect of disqualification on another horse owned by same interest.Repealed
  52. § 20:04:25:51 - Disqualification for leaving the track after the start
  53. § 20:04:25:52 - Care of a horse disabled during the race
  54. § 20:04:25:53 - Horse with broken bone to be removed by horse ambulance
  55. § 20:04:25:54 - Destruction of a horse
  56. § 20:04:25:55 to 20:04:25:59 - Repealed
  57. § 20:04:25:60 - Associations prohibited from permitting improper races - Penalty - Match races not prohibited
  58. § 20:04:25:61 - Novelty and exhibition races
  59. § 20:04:25:62 - Percentage payment of purse to breeder

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.