Chapter 24:28:17 - Certification renewal

  1. § 24:28:17:01 - Renewal cycle
  2. § 24:28:17:02 - Recency of credits for renewal
  3. § 24:28:17:03 - Single consideration of credits
  4. § 24:28:17:04 - Transcripted credit requirements
  5. § 24:28:17:05 - Continuing education contact hour requirements
  6. § 24:28:17:06 - Specialized learning experience requirement
  7. § 24:28:17:07 - Documentation requirements for renewal credits
  8. § 24:28:17:08 - Certificate extension for active military duty
  9. § 24:28:17:09 - Renewal requirements for an expired certificate
  10. § 24:28:17:10 - Renewal requirements for an invalid educator certificate
  11. § 24:28:17:11 - Duration of temporary certificate
  12. § 24:28:17:12 - Renewal requirements for teacher certification
  13. § 24:28:17:13 - Renewal requirements for standard teaching certificate
  14. § 24:28:17:14 - Renewal requirements for professional teaching certificate
  15. § 24:28:17:15 - Renewal requirements for advanced teaching certificate
  16. § 24:28:17:16 - Renewal requirements for administrator certification
  17. § 24:28:17:17 - Renewal requirements for standard administrator certificate
  18. § 24:28:17:18 - Renewal requirements for professional administrator certificate
  19. § 24:28:17:19 - Renewal requirements for an education specialist certification
  20. § 24:28:17:20 - Renewal requirements for the general education alternative teaching certificate
  21. § 24:28:17:21 - Renewal requirements for the CTE alternative teaching certificate
  22. § 24:28:17:22 - Renewal requirements for CTE alternative teaching certificate
  23. § 24:28:17:23 - Renewal requirements for the TFA alternative teaching certificate
  24. § 24:28:17:24 - Renewal requirements for the special education alternative teaching certificate
  25. § 24:28:17:25 - Renewable educator permits
  26. § 24:28:17:26 - Renewal requirements for educator permits
  27. § 24:28:17:26.01 - Renewal requirements for a library science permit
  28. § 24:28:17:27 - Renewal requirements for educator permits
  29. § 24:28:17:28 - Renewal requirements for an athletic coaching permit
  30. § 24:28:17:29 - Renewal requirements for applicants with advanced degree
  31. § 24:28:17:30 - Renewal requirements for an inactive certificate
  32. § 24:28:17:31 - Reactivation of inactive certificate
  33. § 24:28:17:32 - Duration of interim certificate

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.