Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0400-02-10-.03 - PERSONAL SAFETY EQUIPMENT AND DEVICES
(1) Commercial
Operators shall require each customer to properly wear a Type V U.S. Coast
Guard approved personal flotation device (PFD) of appropriate size, while on or
in the river.
(2) Each personal
flotation device must be inspected prior to each issuance. Personal flotation
devices must be removed from service immediately and repaired or disposed of
(a) the PFD becomes water
(b) the PFD is damaged such
that it can no longer be worn or attached to the user as originally intended by
the manufacturer; and/or
(c) the
device is of such age or worn condition that the fabric, flotation material,
webbing, fastening devices, etc., can no longer be reasonably expected to
withstand the ordinary forces expected to be encountered in the normal course
of customer usage on the river.
(3) Commercial Operators shall require all
passengers and guides, in inflatable rafts, kayaks or canoes, to wear an
appropriate helmet in addition to an approved personal flotation device, while
on or in the river.
(4) All
equipment including rafts, PFD's, paddles, shall be subject to inspection by
any authorized representative of the Division at any reasonable time, including
but not limited to times when the equipment is in use on or about the river and
equipment deemed to be in an unsafe condition by the above representative must
be immediately repaired or removed from service.
(5) One (1) or more buoyant heaving line,
3/8'' diameter and at least fifty (50) feet in length shall be carried on each
(6) The Commercial Operator
shall provide one (1) waterproof First Aid Kit for each trip of eight (8) craft
or less, two (2) First Aid Kits for each trip of more than eight (8) craft.
Each kit shall contain at least the following items:
(a) Semi-rigid or rigid splints for
immobilization of fractures
Emergency space blanket, shock blanket or equivalent
(c) Triangular bandages
(d) Ace bandages
(e) Quick cold packs
(f) Gauze compresses at least 2 x 2 or
(g) Roller gauze 2''-
(h) Box of Band-aids 3/4''-
(i) Butterfly band-aid
(j) Safety Pins
(k) Sting Swaps
(l) Adhesive Tape
(m) Antiseptic solution for cleaning, or
moist sterile towelettes
(o) Tweezers
(p) Tongue Depressors (Finger
(q) Knife
(r) Sun Screen
(s) Sanitary Napkins (for compress)
(t) Eye Patches
(u) Tie strips for splints
(v) Pad for splints
(w) Gloves
(x) Biohazard Bag
(y) CPR Mask
(7) Passengers on trips shall be at least
twelve (12) years of age.
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.