(1) If the worker meets the definition of a partially unemployed individual, the worker's employer shall, immediately after the termination of any week in which the employer has furnished the worker less than four (4) full days work or the time or dollar equivalent thereof, file with the Department a Joint Low Earnings and Claim for Benefits for Partial Unemployment, or the worker's employer shall submit the information on a computer diskette or other electronic means. The information shall include:
(a) the worker's name
(b) the worker's social security account number
(c) the employer's name, address, and registration number, and
(d) such other information as is required by such form.
(2) This form, diskette, or other electronic method is not required to be filed for workers whose earnings for the week involved were in excess of the maximum weekly benefit amount.
(3) The Joint Low Earnings and Claim for Benefits for Partial Unemployment form, diskette or other electronic filing method may also be used for weeks of total unemployment during mass layoffs, provided a prior arrangement has been made with an authorized representative of the Department. In such cases, the employer must file the claims with the Labor and Workforce Development Office within seven (7) days from the end of the week in which the unemployment begins.
(4) Any employer filing more than fifty (50) partial claims in any week shall use the Department's Automated Partial Claims System.


Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0800-09-01-.08
Original rule certified May 17, 1974. Repeal and new rule filed January 22, 1996; effective May 30, 1996. Amendment filed May 22, 2001; effective September 28, 2001. Emergency rule filed January 28, 2009; effective through August 12, 2009. Emergency rule filed January 28, 2009; effective through August 12, 2009; expired effective August 13, 2009; rule reverted to its previous status. Emergency rule 0560-01-01.08 filed July 30, 2009; effective through January 26, 2010. August 15, 2009, the Secretary of State transferred 0560-01-01 to 0800-09-01 per Chapter 520 of Public Acts of 1999 and T.C.A. 4-5-221(a)(1). Amendment filed July 30, 2009; effective December 29, 2009.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 50-7-302(c), 50-7-602 and 50-7-603.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.