Utah Admin. Code R315-264-1031 - Definitions
As used in Sections R315-264-1030 through 1036, all terms not defined herein shall have the meaning given them in RCRA and Rules R315-260 through 266.
(a) Air stripping operation is a desorption
operation employed to transfer one or more volatile components from a liquid
mixture into a gas (air) either with or without the application of heat to the
liquid. Packed towers, spray towers, and bubble-cap, sieve, or valve-type plate
towers are among the process configurations used for contacting the air and a
(b) Bottoms receiver means
a container or tank used to receive and collect the heavier bottoms fractions
of the distillation feed stream that remain in the liquid phase.
(c) Closed-vent system means a system that is
not open to the atmosphere and that is composed of piping, connections, and, if
necessary, flow-inducing devices that transport gas or vapor from a piece or
pieces of equipment to a control device.
(d) Condenser means a heat-transfer device
that reduces a thermodynamic fluid from its vapor phase to its liquid phase.
(e) Connector means flanged,
screwed, welded, or other joined fittings used to connect two pipelines or a
pipeline and a piece of equipment. For the purposes of reporting and
recordkeeping, connector means flanged fittings that are not covered by
insulation or other materials that prevent location of the fittings.
(f) Continuous recorder means a
data-recording device recording an instantaneous data value at least once every
15 minutes.
(g) Control device
means an enclosed combustion device, vapor recovery system, or flare. Any
device the primary function of which is the recovery or capture of solvents or
other organics for use, reuse, or sale, e.g., a primary condenser on a solvent
recovery unit, is not a control device.
(h) Control device shutdown means the
cessation of operation of a control device for any purpose.
(i) Distillate receiver means a container or
tank used to receive and collect liquid material (condensed) from the overhead
condenser of a distillation unit and from which the condensed liquid is pumped
to larger storage tanks or other process units.
(j) Distillation operation means an
operation, either batch or continuous, separating one or more feed stream(s)
into two or more exit streams, each exit stream having component concentrations
different from those in the feed stream(s). The separation is achieved by the
redistribution of the components between the liquid and vapor phase as they
approach equilibrium within the distillation unit.
(k) Double block and bleed system means two
block valves connected in series with a bleed valve or line that can vent the
line between the two block valves.
(l) Equipment means each valve, pump,
compressor, pressure relief device, sampling connection system, open-ended
valve or line, or flange or other connector, and any control devices or systems
required by Sections
through 1036.
(m) Flame zone means
the portion of the combustion chamber in a boiler occupied by the flame
(n) Flow indicator means
a device that indicates whether gas flow is present in a vent stream.
(o) First attempt at repair means
to take rapid action for the purpose of stopping or reducing leakage of organic
material to the atmosphere using best practices.
(p) Fractionation operation means a
distillation operation or method used to separate a mixture of several volatile
components of different boiling points in successive stages, each stage
removing from the mixture some proportion of one of the components.
(q) Hazardous waste management unit shutdown
means a work practice or operational procedure that stops operation of a
hazardous waste management unit or part of a hazardous waste management unit.
An unscheduled work practice or operational procedure that stops operation of a
hazardous waste management unit or part of a hazardous waste management unit
for less than 24 hours is not a hazardous waste management unit shutdown. The
use of spare equipment and technically feasible bypassing of equipment without
stopping operation are not hazardous waste management unit shutdowns.
(r) Hot well means a container for
collecting condensate as in a steam condenser serving a vacuum-jet or steam-jet
(s) In gas/vapor service
means that the piece of equipment contains or contacts a hazardous waste stream
that is in the gaseous state at operating conditions.
(t) In heavy liquid service means that the
piece of equipment is not in gas/vapor service or in light liquid service.
(u) In light liquid service means
that the piece of equipment contains or contacts a waste stream where the vapor
pressure of one or more of the organic components in the stream is greater than
0.3 kilopascals (kPa) at 20 degrees C, the total concentration of the pure
organic components having a vapor pressure greater than 0.3 kilopascals (kPa)
at 20 degrees C is equal to or greater than 20 percent by weight, and the fluid
is a liquid at operating conditions.
(v) In situ sampling systems means
nonextractive samplers or in-line samplers.
(w) In vacuum service means that equipment is
operating at an internal pressure that is at least 5 kPa below ambient
(x) Malfunction means
any sudden failure of a control device or a hazardous waste management unit or
failure of a hazardous waste management unit to operate in a normal or usual
manner, so that organic emissions are increased.
(y) Open-ended valve or line means any valve,
except pressure relief valves, having one side of the valve seat in contact
with hazardous waste and one side open to the atmosphere, either directly or
through open piping.
(z) Pressure
release means the emission of materials resulting from the system pressure
being greater than the set pressure of the pressure relief device.
(aa) Process heater means a device that
transfers heat liberated by burning fuel to fluids contained in tubes,
including all fluids except water that are heated to produce steam.
(bb) Process vent means any open-ended pipe
or stack that is vented to the atmosphere either directly, through a
vacuum-producing system, or through a tank (e.g., distillate receiver,
condenser, bottoms receiver, surge control tank, separator tank, or hot well)
associated with hazardous waste distillation, fractionation, thin-film
evaporation, solvent extraction, or air or steam stripping operations.
(cc) Repaired means that equipment
is adjusted, or otherwise altered, to eliminate a leak.
(dd) Sampling connection system means an
assembly of equipment within a process or waste management unit used during
periods of representative operation to take samples of the process or waste
fluid. Equipment used to take non-routine grab samples is not considered a
sampling connection system.
Sensor means a device that measures a physical quantity or the change in a
physical quantity, such as temperature, pressure, flow rate, pH, or liquid
(ff) Separator tank means a
device used for separation of two immiscible liquids.
(gg) Solvent extraction operation means an
operation or method of separation in which a solid or solution is contacted
with a liquid solvent, the two being mutually insoluble, to preferentially
dissolve and transfer one or more components into the solvent.
(hh) Startup means the setting in operation
of a hazardous waste management unit or control device for any purpose.
(ii) Steam stripping operation
means a distillation operation in which vaporization of the volatile
constituents of a liquid mixture takes place by the introduction of steam
directly into the charge.
Surge control tank means a large-sized pipe or storage reservoir sufficient to
contain the surging liquid discharge of the process tank to which it is
(kk) Thin-film
evaporation operation means a distillation operation that employs a heating
surface consisting of a large diameter tube that may be either straight or
tapered, horizontal or vertical. Liquid is spread on the tube wall by a
rotating assembly of blades that maintain a close clearance from the wall or
actually ride on the film of liquid on the wall.
(ll) Vapor incinerator means any enclosed
combustion device that is used for destroying organic compounds and does not
extract energy in the form of steam or process heat.
(mm) Vented means discharged through an
opening, typically an open-ended pipe or stack, allowing the passage of a
stream of liquids, gases, or fumes into the atmosphere. The passage of liquids,
gases, or fumes is caused by mechanical means such as compressors or
vacuum-producing systems or by process-related means such as evaporation
produced by heating and not caused by tank loading and unloading, working
losses, or by natural means such as diurnal temperature changes.
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.