Utah Admin. Code R994-202-102 - Temporary Help Company
(1) "Temporary
help services" means services consisting of an organization:
(a) recruiting and hiring its own
(b) finding other
organizations that need the services of those employees;
(c) assigning those employees to perform work
at or services for the other organizations to support or supplement the other
organizations' workforces;
providing assistance in special work situations such as employee absences,
skill shortages, seasonal workloads, or to perform special assignments or
projects with a definite ending date; and
(e) customarily attempting to reassign the
employees to other organizations when they finish each assignment by a definite
ending date.
(2) A
company that provides all or substantially all of the client company's regular
workers with no restrictions or limitation on the duration of employment, is
not the employing unit for those workers and, therefore, the client company is
considered the employing unit subject to all of the provisions of the
Employment Security Act as an employer, unless the company is licensed as a
Professional Employer Organization (PEO) pursuant to the provisions of Section
31A-40-101 et
(3) Individuals and services
exempt under the Act based on the nature of service or due to a specific
exemption continue to be exempt if the individual is an employee of the
temporary help services company or the services are rendered by an employee of
the temporary help services company.
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.